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What Is an Offer in Affiliate Marketing and How to Choose One

Offer at Affiliate marketing

Many claim that collecting traffic for affiliate marketing is one of the most promising income-generating niches. However, it will be effective and successful only if you choose the suitable offers. To avoid errors in the choice, you should understand what an offer in affiliate marketing is, what the types of affiliate advertising are, and how to find the most profitable offer in this digital marketing area.

What are offers in affiliate marketing?

Offer in affiliate marketing (or CPA-offer) – any promotion of goods or services for which you can get paid. Regarding affiliate marketing, “offer” refers to affiliate programs or promotional campaigns.  These include online games, informational/training courses, physical goods, a service, or a newsletter subscription. So, affiliate offers are any web materials for which a web developer can receive funds.

For each successful conversion, the affiliate receives a payment. But for this part, they spend their budget on acquiring traffic. The affiliate’s profit is the difference between the payment for the offer and the expense to buy traffic. 

That sounds good, and not only for you. That is why competitiveness is the first thing to consider when choosing an offer. There are always competitors in the market who are promoting the same product. Therefore, any affiliate company team should have a manager who knows all the latest information about popular offers and will tell you about unique affiliate marketing offers.

What are the three main types of affiliate marketing?

There are many affiliate companies designed for any sphere of business. If you learn to understand them, you can choose the most profitable offers for a particular resource. You may find along the Internet that the main types of offers in affiliate marketing are involved, unattached, and related affiliate marketing. Still, first, you should learn about three unofficial types of affiliate marketing programs.

White Offer

White offers are usually called any affiliate programs that are not prohibited by the existing resource’s advertising policy as a primary traffic source. They often include official mobile applications, online store goods, WOW goods, clothing, real estate, etc. Such white offers as the Amazon affiliate program are safe, as they are legal and do not carry the prerequisites for fraud.

Gray Offer

Gray offers are not illegal, but they are often not allowed by the rules of many advertising networks. The gray zone includes desktop and mobile offers not officially prohibited by law, but the network’s advertising policy does not approve them. Application entails blocking, and avoiding the ban is possible thanks to creativity and cloaking. Gray offers include such things as:

  • goods that must be received at the post office;
  • online services with a non-transparent payment system.
  • pre-orders through phone messages;
  • horoscopes via SMS.

Each search engine, social network, or advertising network adds limits on goods/services that are prohibited from advertising to the rules of advertising activity. For example, before activating gambling ads, you must study all the network requirements to avoid blocking.

Black Offer

Initially, black offers in affleting marketing are dedicated to fraud and deception. They are used to obtain payment card information and clients` personal data and eventually get money. The most common type is surveys in which you need to send money to the account after entering personal data to receive a prize. But in reality, there is no reward.

It also includes malicious programs that allow the user the opportunity to install a harmless application but steal personal data and valuable information from the personal computer. Although the payment for such offers is high, you should realize that such activity is against the law.

Verticals with Offers in Affiliate Marketing

The most popular verticals among the best affiliate marketing networks are these.

CommodityAll goods used daily (appliances, tools, household goods, etc.).
Betting and GamblingSlot machines, casinos, sportsbooks. This vertical is believed to be the most profitable, as gamblers are everywhere. However, you have to be creative regularly, as not all sites agree to promote online casinos.
DatingPrivate announcements about dating. The forms of payment here can differ in installation, registration on the resource (you need a valid mail), etc.
Mobile applicationsAdvertisers pay for the installation of their products – games, different mobile applications, and plugins.
CryptocurrenciesPeople are offered to get income from trading by trading bots.
Financial directionIncludes binary options and microloans. Actions aim to get the customer to apply for a bank card/loan.
SweepstakesDrawing valuable prizes is a way to get the client’s data or credit card subscription. Such advertising works on the model of CPA marketing payments. The target action from customer is to leave their contacts.
NutraA category of health products is often prohibited or restricted by advertising rules in advertising networks. It includes dietary supplements, cosmetics, weight loss products, etc.
AdultAdult goods and services (+18).

How to test the offer

The algorithm of competent testing should include the following:

1. Choose an offer and an affiliate program. Do not forget to communicate with the manager. The main goal is to determine which traffic source is the most profitable and get information about how others pour.

2. Select one geographic area and start working with it. Develop creatives, translations, and pre-landing pages. It is essential to use an original approach, as simple copying will not give excellent results.  

3. Test creatives, optimally 4-6 pieces at once. Here, you need to look at the price of a click and select the most inexpensive. At the same stage, the age of the audience is tested.

4. Create several pre-landings and test them with already selected creatives. They must all be different to test qualitatively.  

5. Analyze and optimize the approach as a whole. Optimization occurs if the traffic is pouring in a small minus or zero. Experts recommend not touching your campaigns if you work in “plus” bundles.

How to choose a converting offer

The web manager can impact how the advertising campaign is conducted before the customer sends an order. Then, everything will depend on the advertiser and the speed at which requests are processed. There are no strict rules here, but some recommendations will help deal with affiliate marketing for beginners and help them choose the most profitable offer with all or at least some of the features below.

New format

It would be best if you chose exclusive formats of offers, for example:

  • online casino with a bright and unusual design;
  • funds in a new form factor;
  • online games with a memorable plot and unique graphics.

Such offers attract customers even more and significantly increase the CR percentage.


It is necessary to lean toward the choice of the offer whose operators accept applications from customers in a round-the-clock mode. If users wait until Monday to create an online affiliate request, they may change their minds about placing an order.

Any suspicious prices and hidden conditions

Offers with statements like “Special Price: $1” are great at converting to a completed order. However, the advert pays for a confirmed order. Often, such offers hide the wording “1 product is free, but the offer is relevant only when buying ten products for a large sum”. Accordingly, many visitors reject such requests. Approval of such offers is minimal, and there is no profit.

No prepayment

Experts recommend refusing the offer if the goods will be delivered by prepayment. This rule is appropriate if creating an order by cash on delivery is impossible. In 80% of cases, users will ignore offers because there is always a fear of deception in online shopping. It is especially essential in the high ticket affiliate marketing niche.

The high-quality call center service

It is essential to test how the advertiser interacts with its users. This requires leaving a request for goods and waiting for the operator’s response. If the operator does not call or you fail to get through to the call center, such an offer should most likely not be considered.

Clear statistics

Pay attention to how quickly the statistics and status of orders are updated. Timely information receipt guarantees you can pour traffic from the ads without overthinking.

Reliable affiliate

Choose only those affiliate networks with much positive feedback from the web manager. It will make it possible to avoid being shaved by affiliate networks. The exception is the absolutely new affiliate programs. But it is your own risk. And remember, in the best affiliate programs, you should always build relationships with managers to get a profitable offer.

High-quality landing page

The web developer should evaluate the design of the advert’s landing page. All attempts will be pointless if visitors get to the landing page with low-quality content that takes a long time to load after clicking on an attractive push and enticing pre-landing page.

Keep in mind that even if you think that offer is excellent, it is better to do some split tests. A/B testing is relevant not only for testing bundles but also for testing offers. To choose a suitable offer, you may test the offer and its price, and the same offer at the same price from different affiliates. Split tests will help determine which offers will bring the advertising campaign to the plus side.


To choose the best offer, it is crucial to keep track of what products/services are trending today.

Affiliate marketing offers can be seasonal, competitive, or in demand for a particular geographic region. Such offers are attractive to the goal audience and effectively convert from the pushes. 

Choosing an offer and the best affiliate niche to increase conversion is a matter of the web developers`s professionalism Suppose the affiliate does not have enough experience. In that case, it is recommended to carefully analyze the terms of the offer, communicate with affiliate managers from the program, and ask other web developers’ opinions on thematic forums. You can also install special programs, such as Publer, Telemetr, Keitaro, and Tilda, which will help you monitor competitors’ creatives, analyze the statistics of any channel, track all flows, and create original pre-lands and landings.

Read More: What Is Traffic Arbitrage?

GBC Time