GBC Time

Slot Gaming History: From the First to the Latest Slot Machine

Slot Gaming History: From the First to the Latest Slot Machine

Slot gaming is definitely one of the most popular forms of gambling both online and offline. GBC Time has collected the most interesting and intriguing facts about this game. Like its history of development, its different styles, and types. Of course, you will find an analysis of how this form of play has become synonymous with the word casino below in this blog post.

What is a slot game?

The mechanism of the slot game is very simple to understand, which is based on one of several spinning reels with pictures or symbols. Probably, one of the key reasons why players worldwide play slots is the simplicity and clearness. A player presses the “spin” button and then they see a set of reels. In the case of a specific set of certain symbols, a player gets the winning.

How does a slot game work?

One of the main factors of the slot-game mechanism is also a Random Number Generator or RNG. It allows the game to generate symbols based on the algorithm, which is literally cycling new numbers every second.

Nowadays, it is very difficult to surprise players with a slot game. But at the very beginning of their journey, slots captivated millions of people with their simplicity and at the same time intrigue.

History of the slot machine development

In the very beginning, a slot machine was nothing like the modern version of the game. So basically, the slot machine history may be described in five different stages.

1. Poker-based card machine

The very first version of the slot machine was introduced to the world in 1891. Two talented developers Sittman and Pitt tried a new form of gambling based on the poker game.

Most of the time, there were 50 card faces, and the prize depended on the set of cards. However, each gambling establishment could change the prize, so everywhere the chances to win were different.

2. The Liberty Bell

The next version of the slot machine was more familiar to the modern one. Charles Fey created the Liberty Bell in 1898. There were 3 reels instead of 5. One of the key advantages of the Liberty Bell was the staggered stopping mechanism, which made the whole gaming process more exciting and intriguing.

Moreover, this slot machine included an automatic payout so it seemed more transparent and honest.

3. Electromechanical Slot Machines

It was the real step of innovation in the gambling industry. It was the first variant that worked on electricity. The whole mechanism was the same, but players got something fresh and finally got interested in electronic games.

4. Video slot machines

The fourth part of the history is video slot gaming, which was based on the RNG mentioned above. Video slot machines were another innovation in gambling after the colored television boom worldwide.

5. Online Slot Machines

After the global pandemic hit the world and everything went online, the gambling industry was not an exception. These days, the online slot game is the unreplaceable category of casino gaming on website. Moreover, such an influential part of the online gambling industry as streaming has also earned its popularity thanks to slots. Twitch streamers are gaining millions of views and donations by showing the game process live.

Summing up

Slot machine has already become an irreplaceable aspect of casino gaming. It is also quite surprising that after decades, this game did not vanish, but transformed and became even more popular.

Find more details about the slot machines’ history in 100 years in the video at the link. 

GBC Time