While winning the lottery is an incredibly lucky event on its own, in some cases, Lady Luck does not stop at one draw. Instead, it continues to generate more memorable situations and delight winners with additional instant wins. The lottery fans we will cover in today’s article definitely know a thing or two about such remarkably lucky occasions.
Profitable investment
Joan Ginther is considered one of the most successful lottery investors in history as she has won 28 lotteries. Her most notable achievement was a $10 million win in 2010. But prior to that, she also managed to win $5.4 million and $2 million in 1993 and 2006 respectively. Joan reportedly bought about 100 000 scratch cards during her lottery career, and this cost her $3 million.
Lucky day for a couple
After Calvin and Spencer won the Powerball for $1 million, they decided to buy two more lottery tickets out of pure excitement. Little did they know that one of these new tickets would also win and increase their overall winnings to $2 million that day.
Hot scratch card series
Initially, a random scratch card ticket won a guy named Christopher a $25 000 prize. Amazed by his improbable win, he bought a new ticket, scratched it, and saw another $1000 reward. His third attempt was even more successful, earning him an additional $250 000.
Infinite luck
This scratch card case also includes three steps. However, the final payoff is even more impressive here. First, Mauricio Torrez won $100 only. The next card made him $5000 richer. But the last few scratch cards bought have become life-changing for Torrez as he secured a $1 million bag thanks to them.
Double-check your pockets
Have you ever found money in one of the pockets of your old jacket? James Wilson experienced something similar on his lucky day. But in his case, he found a 6-month-old lottery ticket in his pocket, double-checked the numbers, and realized that his combination won $79 000. Another lucky factor was that Wilson barely made it to the cashier to get his winnings. As it turned out, he found the ticket three hours before it was supposed to expire.
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