GBC Time

The Weirdest Gambling Superstitions

The Weirdest Gambling Superstitions

Gambling is a popular sector for entertainment, joy, and time-spending. Gamblers also try their luck while playing any casino games. Some people do not believe that anything can affect their lack, but some do. So how to influence luck? GBC Time has listed the top weirdest superstitions among gamblers.

People can do everything to attract luck to their faith. They believe that there is something that can destroy their destined destiny to win. Here are some strangest superstitions that are frequently used by gamblers and casino fans.

Wearing red to the casino

This omen has come to our regular life from the Chinese culture. According to the traditions in China, this color is a symbol of good fortune that can bring prizes to a person’s life. Some people wear red underwear when they go to casinos because this is considered to be a luck magnet.

Do not count your money

This superstition is extremely popular among card game players. When people play poker for instance they do not count their won money at all. Some players are also sure that this is considered to be a bad manner among poker players.

Do not cross the legs

Some gamblers also believe that the legs crossed are symbolizing the crossed-away luck. You might also hear something alike with the fingers. Players say similar about the crossed fingers. This may also be considered to be a bad manner as well.

Books and bad luck

This one also came from Chinese traditional culture, which says that if anyone is ready for a book not far away, gambling is not the perfect thing to do. The reason is that in the Chines language the word shīqù – lose and shū – book sound alike.

No sex

A lot of people are sure that having sex before gambling can push luck away. However, the thoughts can be different. Another group of players is sure that sex can attract good faith later while gambling. Supposedly, the meaning of this depends on what you believe in.

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GBC Time