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How Much Do Twitch Streamers Make on Casino Partnerships?

How Much Do Twitch Streamers Make on Casino Partnerships?

The question of how much do Twitch casino streamers make is discussed in the many news articles on the casino industry. Although streaming of online slots is a relatively new practice that emerged circa 5 years ago, it has already become a profitable industry for streamers as well as for casinos.

As many surveys show, video content, especially the live contact with the audience, generates more traffic to online platforms than other means of promotion. Furthermore, in recent years hype around live streaming on social platforms has risen to unseen heights. The Twitch stock price going up is one of the multiple proofs of this phenomenon. That’s why many virtual casinos have seized an opportunity to collaborate with live streamers, signing them as affiliates.

Read this article to find out how much money does a streamer on Twitch TV earns per sub and how an online casino can benefit from partnering with live streamers.

How much money do Twitch streamers make by working with casinos?

Making money by playing your favorite games of chance is the dream come true for every avid iGaming fan. is one of the bests platforms for this. Live streaming of slot games, in particular, has skyrocketed at the platform recently, with more than 27 million hours of views in June 2021.

The amount of earnings by streaming slots, however, depends on the number of subscribers, and prime subs in particular, that the account has. According to the statistics, streaming pros can make around $3-5k monthly if gambling 40 hours a week. This is excluding revenue from ads, which amounts to $2-10 per 1k views.

In case you are wondering how much do small Twitch streamers make, read this Login Casino review further.

As said before, the average monthly income for streamers differs by the number of their followers.

Streamer typeNumber of subsAverage monthly income
Small streamers10-100 subsfrom $50 to $1 500
Big streamers1 000-10 000 subsfrom $3 000 to $30 000
Top streamersover 10 000 subsfrom $100 000

Twitch usually pays its affiliates and partners within 15 days after the end of the month. These statistics can help casino ops to plan a budget for working with streamers.

How much do Twitch streamers make per sub on average?

According to the data, the streamer can get $250 per one hundred followers on average, which amounts to $2.50 per sub. Top-tier Twitch streamers also get an extra $1 per sub, so they make $3.5 per subscriber.

The Twitch partners can also gain money from subscriptions from prime subs and donations.

Is having prime subs worth it?

Thus, attracting prime subs can be a great source of money for the big streamers. Unfortunately, this isn’t an option for those who have small accounts on

Top-5 ways to earn money on casino streaming

Twitch offers multiple ways of making money by broadcasting games and affiliate and partnership programs. Although this may be enough for some streamers, others opt for additional sources of income.

Login Casino has reviewed all the existing methods of making money on casino streaming and has listed them below. Here are the best ways of earning on that work in 2021.

Paid subscriptions offers a subscription service to the gaming fans on the platform and shares a generous 50% with the streamer. The service, however, is available only for the participants of the Twitch Partner Program. Usually, streamers provide featured content for their prime subs, such as exclusive sets of emoji for the chat of lucky draws.

Generous donations from the subs

Donations from viewers have become an additional income source for Twitch streamers. In the case of the casino streamers, however, this isn’t a common practice because the audience watches broadcasters win money on slots. On top of that, some casino streamers have reported technical difficulties receiving contributions from followers on the Twitch platform. That’s why some casino streamers use PayPal as a primary donation platform.

Revenue from ads

Much like any streaming service, runs a short advertisement before every broadcast. For every ad, the streamer gets a small amount of generated revenue. Usually, they earn from $2 to $10 per 1k views. The exact amount of money paid to the streamer depends on the demand. While this can’t be the main income source, it’s a steady way to earn a fixed sum of money.

Affiliate programs with casino operators

The most profitable way to earn money for casino streamers is to sign an affiliate contract with iGaming operators. Within these programs, live streamers play on the casino website and share unique links to the gambling platform on their widget board. This is beneficial for both an operator and a streamer, as the first gets traffic of audience that is already interested in gambling, and the latter gets a chance to earn big sums of money.

There are 2 models for affiliate partnership:

  • click per action (CPA) – casino pays for every target action that viewer takes on a website. The average amount is $10-100 per action, depending on the number of views and followers that a particular streamer has;
  • revenue share – live streamers are paid a fixed percentage of the gambling profits, which usually varies between 20% and 60%.

Unlike the Twitch internal programs, affiliate collaboration is an option for both small and top-tier live streamers. Some casinos prefer to work with several Twitch streamers with a smaller audience rather than with renowned influencers that usually have a very high price list.

Native advertising

Many online casino establishments and slot software providers also get live streamers to play on their web platforms. Casinos often offer CPA or revenue share from the affiliate program, in other cases, they provide huge deposit bonuses.

Other than that, Twitch streamers can earn money by selling unique merch and also from other platforms like YouTube.

Dos and don’ts of working with live streamers for casinos

Currently, many virtual and land-based casinos are willing to collaborate with live streamers as a part of their promotional campaign. Online gambling platforms with big marketing budgets even launch streaming channels on themselves. The viewers, however, tend to trust the independent streamers more as they believe that the opinion of these influencers is unbiased.

As mentioned before, online casinos have discovered live streaming as an effective promotional tool not so long ago. So, many benefits and drawbacks of this practice are undiscovered. Login Casino, however, has gathered some of the known pros and cons of working with live streamers.

Top-3 advantages of collaborating with streamers  

Seeing as more and more online casinos opt for singing streamers as affiliates, there are some huge advantages to this practice.

Here are the main reasons for choosing online streamers as affiliates.

  1. Reliable audience. In a world full of advertisements and promotions, customers tend to distrust most of the ads. Live streamers, on the contrary, have close contact with their viewers and, thus, can drive traffic of interested players on the gambling website. Streamers also introduce the audience to the gameplay of the slots and give pro-tips for winning.
  2. Engaged viewers. While watching a streamer play on the casino platform, viewers usually feel that they are also a part of the gaming process.
  3. Instant feedback. As the platform has a comment section and like/dislike option, viewers can express their opinion on the game or the casino immediately. Operators can also monitor number views on the streams of particular games.

Main risks of live streamer affiliates

Collaboration with live streamers as affiliated, while is highly profitable, can bear some hazards for the casino establishment. Let’s take a look at the main ones.

  1. Brand risk. An ill-considered statement of a streamer can damage the casino’s brand. All that affiliate says while broadcasting the iGaming platform is automatically associated with the casino brand. And, as many of the streamers are very young, they can put at risk the compliance of the online casino by making a simple commentary.
  2. Fraud risk. On, there are live streamers who tend to gamble with fake money. Furthermore, some of those unreliable streamers also use bots to boost view numbers. Any online casino that values its good name should stay away from such “partners”.
  3. Underage viewers. Online casinos are highly regulated establishments with strict age limits, underage gambling is a serious offense in many jurisdictions., on the other hand, has no age verification service at the moment. Thus, younger audiences may be exposed to gambling content.

Pro tips for casino ops working with live streamers

According to the experts, there is a way to get the maximum from a partnership with live streamers while avoiding main risks. The specialists advise to:

  • get a streamer to show all range of casino products instead of the basic slots. Some live streamers dedicate different days to the various types of games of chance;
  • get to know a live streamer before signing an affiliate contract;
  • educate live streamers on the topic of compliance, as many of them are very young and may not know all the details;
  • choose reliable streamers (e.g., if the streamer changes casinos very often, he or she may be not very reliable).

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