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What Do You Need to Remember While Playing Pokies?

What Do You Need to Remember While Playing Pokies?

Online slots or pokies offer multiple themes, bonus rounds, newer gameplay features to attract more punters. There are no guaranteed winning systems but the players can definitely focus on certain tips in order to improve their chances of winning. Outcomes are 100% fair and random, but understanding the overall game would help in a better analysis of the gameplay.

Points to focus on for online pokies

Preferring higher denominations

Preferring higher denominations for gambling is always preferable for maximizing the potential winnings of a punter. Spins for high denominations tend to pay more than low denomination spins. One single high bet might offer big wins but reduces the chances of getting a winning spin.

For example, if a person can spend $2 on a bet, instead of two individual $1 bets, he or she should prefer a single bet worth the money. For lasting longer, one can choose lower denominations, which can offer more spins.

Complicated games come with lower odds

Multiline complicated NZ online pokies with real money funds offering bonus rounds and multipliers tend to offer lower odds. The higher number of features includes more reels and symbols, which has the chances of lowering the odds. Chances of consistency and small wins or bonuses can be won.  Being aware of games with the lowest house edge.

For newbies, trying out simple 3 reels single-line bets might be beneficial in order to get a hang of the game and add up small gains. Complex pokies must be played after learning the simple ones. Multi-line slot machines offer higher rewards but take time to understand or analyze. Lower odds with complex gaming rules provide a challenging gaming experience.

Maximum bets

The strategy of pokie games to draw player attention is via advertisements on maximum payouts. Promoting the chance to win massive amounts from one spin is lucrative among punters. However, one has to understand that in order to win big, one has to invest maximum amounts too. Low stake spins will also be eligible for the same multiplier as the large stakes but payouts are much lesser if analyzed. Aiming at big wins is only achievable if one is betting the maximum.

Testing the games before playing

Many online casinos offer free spins pokies. This is a good way to try out the game before investing real money into it. This would help in a better understanding of the game and determining strategies while playing. Any uncertainty regarding the bonus features of the slots must be dealt with by trying them out without wagers. After that, one can start investing real cash into it or choose some other slot if the first one was unsatisfactory.

Playing with coins

Coins help in better control over bets. For example, if there is a 20 paylines slot and one uses 100 coins with the value of $0.01 on each, one can activate all paylines with many $0.05 wagers on spending a dollar. This would help in better valuing of money compared to a $1 in one payline, which is what many punters do. This would increase the chances of a larger payout and win on each spin.

Nonexistence of tight machines

Slot machines are either right or loose where the loose slots usually pay out more money frequently. Tight pokies pay less. Pokies are programmed so that they pay out a fixed value of what is taken from wagers. However, this is not what happens at regulated online casinos because all slots games are tested rigorously to ensure fair play. Outcomes are based on an RNG or Random Number Generator and the Return to Player percentage is checked for all the games.

Avoiding thoughts regarding “due payouts”

Pokies run on RNG, and there is no such thing as a hot or cold streak as every spin resets the chances. Thinking about big wins is never recommended because one tends to chase losses. Winning or losing is entirely random, and so one should focus only on the gaming experience without bothering about the outcome. 


Pokies like any other games are meant to be entertaining. Ensuring that one is playing within his or her affordability and limits is important. Chasing losses would result in bigger losses, which in turn can lead to debts. Setting goals before playing helps in controlling gameplay.

One should know when to stop. All casinos emphasize responsible gambling to avoid the problem of gambling addiction among punters. With a wide range of pokies, one can play anytime anywhere, according to his or her liking.

Read more: Best iGaming Aggregators

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