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The Evolution of Roulette throughout History

The Evolution of Roulette throughout History

Roulette is one of the original games played at the casino, and given its design, it does not look like something that dates before the 19th century. However, upon closer inspection of some historical findings, this might not be the case. Even though roulette has its inventor and designer, but it seems that games based on similar principles were present in other cultures.

Here we will go over some fun facts and the history of roulette, just so we can get to know it a bit better.  

The devil’s game

Roulette has an interesting nickname, some refer to it as a devil’s game. This is because of the number on the roulette, or more specifically, if you add all the numbers together you get 666. Also, the game has a very alluring nature, as it’s one of the games that have the highest winning edge for players. So, everyone is tempted to gamble given the high win percentage, and they often lose as well. However, there are stories about those who put everything on the line and came up on top. Since stories like that inspire other players, we often see all or nothing approach when someone plays roulette.

Blaise Pascal

Historians believe that the first form of roulette game that we know today is the brainchild of Blaise Pascal. The primitive version of the game came as a byproduct of the perpetual motion machine and was later on modified and adapted as a casino game. Starting from 1790 roulette became available in casinos in Paris and started to grow in popularity across Europe.

Since it was created by a scientist, it is only natural that men of science also figured out how to beat the game or at least increase your odds further. Basically, you can apply chaos theory in order to figure out where the ball is more likely to land at the end of the spin. Of course, the only other way to beat it is not to play. 

Online casinos and roulettes

Nowadays you don’t even have to be present in a casino in order to play roulette. Today, you can simply visit a website or a gambling platform, and wager your money on a game of roulette. In other words, the game is now available even in countries or cities that do not have a land-based casino.

There is another important difference between digital and real roulette. Real roulette uses a mechanism, whereas online roulette relies on RNG or random chance to calculate where the ball lands. So, the chance of winning remains the same, but you cannot apply chaos theory to supposedly increase your chance of winning, since there is no physics here, just algorithms.

Older version of the game     

It is widely believed that there was an older Chinese game that was used as a basis for the rules of online roulette. It involved square and animal figurines inside it. The figurines also had numbers and their total sum was 666. Monks that discovered this game brought it to Europe and slightly modified it, but the original rules remain unknown.

Roman soldiers also used to gamble to get their mind off of stressful combat. They used to play dice and also spin the shield, which is another game element that resembles the roulette we have today.


As you can see, it is in our human nature to play games of chance and to come up with how elements of randomness will be incorporated. Roulette found a pretty fun and interesting mechanism that many find appealing, as it mimics some of the games even our ancestors have played.

Read more: Best US Online Casinos

GBC Time