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How to Lose Less Money When Playing Slots

How to Lose Less Money When Playing Slots

One of the most popular casino games all of time is slots, and this is demonstrated by the millions upon millions of people who play each year. Another hint to their popularity is the number of slot machines there are in casinos around the world, which is estimated to be around 1.08 million, at least in licensed casinos. Slot games are fun because they are easy to understand, simple to play, offer exciting bonus rounds and free spins, as well as allowing players to be social with those around them.

If you are considering spinning a few reels, you should know that the odds of really winning big are about 1 in 49 836 032; but that doesn’t mean you aren’t doing things wrong when playing. Many people are guilty of things like not managing their bankroll, not understanding when they’re losing, or playing to complete the story regardless of if they’re making money.

Continue reading to find out how to lose less money when playing slots.

Don’t play too fast

If you have ever been to a casino, or visited an online casino, and seen the $10 cost per bet for blackjack and thought “That is quite expensive”, the good news is you’re not the only one. This is a thought that many people have, and when compared to the $1 cost per bet for a roll of the reel, it does seem quite expensive.

However, you could probably spin the reel about 600-700 times per hour, which totals to around $600 or more. A good idea would be to play at a slower pace, after all, if you play too fast, it will feel like you never played at all. This can especially be true on online casinos where you might find yourself more easily distracted by other activities. Before you know it you could have blown through your budget.

Choose better games

A common mistake that many people make, is assuming that every slot game has the same odds. As a result, many people randomly choose a game, begin playing, and then lose because the odds were stacked against them. The chances of you winning, and how much you win, are determined by hit frequency and payback percentage respectively.

This is why before you choose a game, you should research the hit frequency and payback percentage before you begin playing. Aim for high numbers in both and you are already making an adjustment to losing less money when playing slot games.

Take more breaks

One of the biggest mistakes that you could make when playing slots, is not taking a break. The reason for this is because it is very easy to fall into a trancelike state when playing, for a variety of reasons. One of those reasons is due to something called Pavlov’s dog; he realized that if he rewarded his dog with food when he rang a bell, the dog would come every time the bell was rang.

Slot games achieve this same result by feeding you with small ‘wins’, which register with your brain as a victory, and dopamine, the feel-good hormone, is released. Take frequent breaks and set alarms on your phone to either not fall into this state, or break out of it.

Play online

Similar to the tip above, is to play online. This is because when playing at a casino, it is very easy to get caught up in the atmosphere and lose sight of exactly how much money you are losing. Amidst all of the flashing lights, music, conversation, and potential free alcohol, those spins you are making without paying much attention are still costing you money.

Playing online, at home, and in a comfortable, quiet environment will make it much easier to stay focused and aware of the money you are spending, and more importantly, it will allow you to feel that twinge of regret when losing.

Read the paytable

Another contributing factor to the odds stacked against you, and one that influences the payback percentage of the game you are playing, is the denominations that you are using.

Certain games have an increased payback percentage when you use higher denominations, so it would be worth your while to find a paytable for the slot you are playing in order to save money in the long run. You should also consider setting a budget for the denomination you choose in order to maximize playtime and minimize losses.

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