Is Yahoo Ads Worth It? When and How to Use a Gemini Tool?

Is Yahoo Ads Worth It? When and How to Use a Gemini Tool?

Being a widely known but narrowly perceived search engine, Yahoo is often ignored by most of the firms in terms of advertising. However, Yahoo ads make a lot of sense for a particular audience and concrete locations, which can lead to the practical usage of this platform for promotion campaigns. Login Casino continues the series of materials dedicated to helping in resolving business daily needs, now explaining all the sides and aspects of Yahoo advertising.

Cornerstone aspects to know about Yahoo advertising

Basic numbers

Even though Yahoo is far behind the power of Google, it is still an important value in the Internet environment. The official reports assure that the platform has one billion unique visitors per month, shows two billion blurbs per day, and registers about 165 million advertising signals daily. As one of the advertising principles is to get all the possible audience, it’s hard to ignore such numbers.

At the same time, more than half of the generated traffic comes from the US. The second place belongs to Taiwan (4.22%), while Canada, UK, and France bring slightly less than 4% of the regular traffic. Nevertheless, those numbers are still persuasive to review Yahoo for advertising campaigns in Europe and other parts of the world. The native advertising type is especially popular here, which can significantly increase the effectiveness of the product promotion.

What makes Yahoo native ads effective?

Compared to other types of advertising, the native one, as it comes from its name, is often perceived as non-intrusive. The ability to implement native ads into diverse delivery methods (search engines, social media, or news feed) via the Artificial Intelligence analysis makes this approach rather effective. The AI suggests advertising according to the activity of the person, which means that everyone receives personalized offers.

That is why the Gemini Yahoo advertising tool or Stream Ads webpage welcomes clients with the “Native Advertising” title, showing the primary approach the regarded company uses for promotion. So, let’s review what possibilities Yahoo suggests for marketers and why stream native format is one to watch closely.

Possibilities of Yahoo Gemini advertising tool

When it comes to organizing digital advertising, all the major companies that are ready to offer their services and market places have developed specific tools and even apps. Thus, every marketer knows what Google Ads is, while every social media worker knows how to cope with Facebook ads manager or deliver marketing offers in Snapchat.

Yahoo has also launched a specific ads tool – Gemini platform, which can also be called Stream Ads. As Yahoo was part of the merger with AOL after Verizon Media bought both firms, marketers’ tool is branded under Verizon Media sign.

Coming to Yahoo’s main advertising page, one receives a short introduction to the possibilities he or she will receive after entering login and password. One of the major aspects one has to know before starting the advertising campaign are the types of ads that can be applied in the Gemini tool:

Type of adsShort descriptionResults and conversions
ImageThis is a typical approach with an attractive image with a conversion button that gives an opportunity for the client to learn more about the product.The average incremental online conversion is 30%.
VideoIt is another standard option that consists in presenting the product in a short and engaging video format. Yahoo’s native ads approach delivers better average results than other platforms do.Increase: 1. Brand favorability is 50%.2. Purchase intent is 28%.
App installUsing the previous two types allows reaching about 650 million mobile users across the globe. The marketing offer of this type contains an install button, which can also be used to remind the customer about the already installed app.1. Installs after video ads mean 43% longer sessions.2. 11% of clients reuse the app after reminding. 
CarouselThis a more complicated but more effective utilization of image ads, where the marketing offer is accompanied by multiple pictures.It can increase CTR in two-three times compared to single-image ads type.
MailBranded facilitation of the attention towards inbox mails, which appear at the top of the list with specific marks.It allows achieving four times better conversion compared to the industry average.
MomentsThis is a premium option that appears as the overlay while customers are using typical products like Yahoo news, sports, or finances.Up to four times increase in brand awareness can be attained with appropriate engagement.

Is it hard to deal with the Yahoo streaming ads tool? Step by step guide

Of course, being aware of the Yahoo ads types isn’t enough to launch an effective campaign. However, the streaming ads tool is, probably, the simplest advertising tool among the most well-known platforms. It allows to place and launch promotion in a matter of minutes as there are only a few major steps that should be passed:

1. New campaign or import?

The first decision one has to make is to either implement Facebook’s campaign or create a new one. It’s a quite new step, and relying on the advertising setting from the most popular social media is working in the beta mode at the time of writing this material.

2. Population specifics

Even though this item seems to feature numerous filters, Yahoo suggests choosing a gender and age. The latter item includes six options (18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55+, and All). Interestingly, one can see estimated clicks and potential monthly reach in the right corner if choosing custom options.

3. Localization

As the popularity of Yahoo is primarily focused in the US, the previous version of the ads tool contained a strong focus on the American market. Thus, the marketer could choose the whole country and every state separately, while other countries were roughly sorted.

Now, the situation has changed significantly, and the user can easily choose the needed location up to the cities from other countries. The choice is accompanied by the online map that helps to orient.

4. Basic company information

This step requires basic advertising information, including the following items:

  • Company name
  • Phone number
  • Landing page to send clients to
  • Ad title
  • As description
  • Image

Here the preview button appears to simplify the process and allows one to look at the campaign before publishing it.

5. Budget

This step includes choosing the country, time zone, currency, and a daily amount that will be applied for the campaign. Right after the last item is fulfilled, the inbuilt calculator shows the monthly budget, estimated reach, and forecasted clicks per month. The “next” button sends the marketer to the sign-in page (if not signed before) with further payment procedures to be made.

Possibilities of Yahoo search ads

Being a rather popular search engine, Yahoo suggests the traditional type of advertising. The platform supports both SEM (search engine marketing) and SEO (search engine optimization) approach. Traditionally, the first one is linked to a pay per click (PPC) model when the marketer pays for every link followed by the potential buyers. It can also be realized as part of the CPA marketing approach.

Even though search ads are the most popular approach now, it is still the simplest and most understandable for the majority. The potential customer sees the banner at the top of search results when seeks the needed product. This model is straightforward because the customer who is looking for something has already done the step towards the purchase, determined the problem, and wants a solution.

Nevertheless, people are tired of annoying advertising, which is present in diverse forms everywhere. So, marketers have to be flexible and try to develop native advertising campaigns, and Yahoo is almost all about this new approach.

How to develop an effective native advertising Yahoo campaign?

The answer to this question lies in the plain of understanding of the recent marketing trends like applying a media buying approach. This method was described in details in a separate article by Login Casino, but in short, it includes the following steps and requirements:

  • identify the target audience;
  • provide comprehensive market research;
  • define objectives of the campaign;
  • plan short and long term actions;
  • be able to analyze the results and ready to adjust them.

In other words, the realization of an effective native advertising campaign depends on the knowledge of the marketer and his or her ability to create a needed hook in the right place, right time.

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