Media Buying Process: Everything You Should Know

Media Buying Process: Everything You Should Know

In the age of active digitalization, a lot of things happen online. Many businesspersons understand this tendency and try to promote their products and services precisely on the Internet. Considering this moment, it is worth noting that one of the proven ways of promotion is media buying. 

In this short article, you will know the definition of media buying and the essential stages of this process. In addition, we will share with you some tips and recommendations that make your experience (as for a media buyer) better.

What is media buying?

In the first place, it is highly recommended to find an answer to a straightforward question – what is media buying? This term refers to a purchasing process of advertising on different advertising marketplaces: from traditional options (TV, radio, magazines) to modern solutions (social media, websites, blogs, etc.). A person who is responsible for this process is called a media buyer.

Stages of media buys

It is worth indicating that every media buying process is a complex procedure that consists of three stages:

  • The stage of pre-launch. This stage is one of the most important ones and consists of a lot of analytical and research work. It is necessary to identify the target audience, examine competitors, design a strategy, allocate the budget, and estimate the possible outcomes.
  • The stage of a campaign launch. During this stage, the primary responsibility of every media buyer is to ensure that everything works perfectly and the launched ads reach the right audience.
  • The stage of assessment. After the campaign is over, it is required to assess the work done. That means that it is necessary to collect data (the more data you have, the more clear picture you get) and analyze them while finding the strong and weak sides of your campaign.

If you do not want to deal with all these stages, you can come to programmatic platforms to automate the processes, which will deliver your ads to the right audience at the right time.

Media buying tips and recommendations

To have a great experience with the media buying process, we have prepared some media buying tips and advice.

First and foremost, as a media buyer, you need to strategize what you are going to do. Do your research. Analyze the market. And prepare your advertising campaign properly.

The second moment is to make it clear what your target audience is. And it is critically important to understand and determine it before the launch of your advertising campaign because it will not be beneficial to promote the services or product to the wrong people.

And the last recommendation is to track the results and optimize them. It makes it easier for you to launch and run more successive campaigns after having a clear picture of the results.


Media buying is one of the greatest ways to promote a business (whether a gambling or betting company), reach the right audience, and make it prosperous.

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GBC Time

GBC Time