7 Bizarre Things You Can Legally Wager on

7 Bizarre Things You Can Legally Wager on

Wagering money on the outcome of some events is one of the most popular pastimes in the world. While traditional sports betting and more contemporary esports or daily fantasy sports betting are extremely common in almost every country, betting is not limited to these activities. In this GBC Time article, we are going to take a look at some of the most unusual activities you can place a wager on.


Some savvy bookmakers earn profits from one of the eternal questions – if there is life outside of the Earth. Major sportsbooks like Paddy Power offer odds on when we will discover that there is alien life. As proof, some of the operators request confirmation from the US President.

Celebrity love life

Many people closely follow the personal life of celebrities. And betting companies decided to take advantage of this. One of the most cases that got attention from all the biggest sportsbooks was the divorce of Amber Heard and Johnny Depp. One sportsbook also offered their punters to bet on whether the newlyweds JLO and Benn Affleck will split up by 2025.

Ferret bingo

This sport is as weird as it sounds. Basically, it means using these animals for betting purposes. The game is similar to normal bingo. Ferrets are placed into cages with multiple exits and tunnels, with a number attached to them. While this whole sport may sound like a joke, some people take it very seriously. There even were scandals about tunnel tampering.


The other bizarre activity on the list is wife-carrying. There is actually an annual championship, where husbands complete in carrying their better half on their backs. And some sportsbooks even offer odds on this “sport.”

Cheese rolling

Our list of the unusual activities people bet on would not be complete without the mention of cheese rolling. It is what you are probably thinking of – people gather to roll big chunks of cheese down the hill. The one whose cheese finishes first is declared a winner. So, naturally, if you are a fan of this sport, you can place a wager on the betting site.

Life expectancy

On a grimmer note, there are some dark betting traditions in Taiwan. Some people wager on the life expectancy of people at the hospitals. If the patient you wagered on died within one month, you lose your bet. If they, however, live and stay on this earth for at least three months, the punter triples their bet.

End of the world

These days, it often feels as if the world will come to the end any day. So, on many bookmaking websites, you can put a wager on when the apocalypse will happen.

As seen from the activities listed above, the betting market can expand well beyond sports and video gaming championships. So, the smartest bookmakers follow the trends and add unusual options to their betting roster.

GBC Time

GBC Time