Sports Betting vs. Casino Betting

Sports Betting vs. Casino Betting

Casino gaming

If you walk through any Vegas casino, there is an immediate sensory overload between the bright lights, dinging of the slot machines, the waft of cigarette smoke, and the chatter at the craps table. There you have everything you need – except a window and a clock.

Gamblers who enjoy the glitz and glamour of a casino can continue betting at their favorite venue or can go online with the best betting sites without ever leaving the comfort of their home. It’s a new digital frontier that is becoming increasingly popular and even mainstream, for those who enjoy the action.

Perhaps the biggest reason why those who love table games prefer it over any other form of gambling is that they are relying on their wits to make decisions. Blackjack is a prime example, and not paying attention can prove costly. Even interactive slot machines have choices that need to be made when a bonus lights up. Becoming immersed in the game is the second biggest adrenaline besides hitting a jackpot.

But too often we see players stick around when the cards go cold or continue to feed the slot machine after hours of losing spins. Discipline and money management must be exercised because winning is the name of the game, even if it sometimes seems impossible. We all have winning and losing streaks but the trick is to stay in the game without blowing your bankroll.

Sports betting

It is surprising that casino and sports bettors are often mutually exclusive and don’t overlap more than they do. We could literally take much of the last paragraph regarding discipline for casino gamblers and apply it word for word vis a vis the sports bettor.

“Discipline and money management must be exercised because winning is the name of the game, even if it sometimes seems impossible. We all have winning and losing streaks but the trick is to stay in the game without blowing your bankroll.”

The goals are both the same, make money while having fun. While the latter is not necessary to the equation it certainly makes betting more palatable if you enjoy what you’re doing. Just don’t enjoy it to the point where you become reckless.

The sports bettor needs to use his or her wits as well. Betting a team or total blindly is tantamount to flipping a coin, and if you factor in the standard 10 percent vigorish then it’s a mathematical certainty that he or she will eventually lose money.

But what we should point out is that with a great deal of patience, money management, and dedication to analyzing the matchups through researching injury reports, historical results, and current trends, beating the house can be done. One such success story is the legendary sports bettor, Billy Walters, who has a few pearls of wisdom for those trying to make a successful run at the house.

“I know what every sucker thinks because I used to be one. I can assure you that every successful gambler I know has been through some monumental failures on his way to getting there.” – Billy Walters.

“The game of handicapping sports is really the same game as it was 40 or 50 years ago. It’s much more competitive now, and the numbers are much better than they were in the 80s, but it’s still the same game. It still comes down to evaluating information.” – Billy Walters

“I probably had to reinvent myself 25 times in the last 20 years. If I hadn’t re-invented myself, I would have been out of business. That goes for anyone in any business. There’s going to be constant change of any industry you’re in and if you don’t change with it and you don’t change ahead of it, you become like a dinosaur; you become extinct.” – Billy Walters.

Mr. Walters’ words ring true to anyone who has either been a recreational or professional sports bettor. And those who confine themselves to casino gambling should probably take a walk over to the sportsbook every now and again to find out what it’s all about.

Whether you are a $10 player or a thousand-dollar shooter, the wager you place on a game won’t be officially determined until roughly three hours later. Once your bet is in, you can kick back, crack open a cold one, and let the games begin. Your decision has been made and there is no more heavy lifting. It’s the same world as casino gambling, just a different part of it.

Read more: Top Canadian Betting Platforms

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