Blackjack Facts: Hall of Fame, Strategies, and Tournaments

Blackjack Facts: Hall of Fame, Strategies, and Tournaments

The gambler’s task is simple: with the proposed cards, you need to get 21 points or as close as possible to this number. All picture cards bring you 10 points, and an ace can provide you with 1 or 11 points. After a while, the simplicity of these rules will motivate you to acquire extra knowledge and skills, because it is not as simple to win in blackjack as it may seem.

In this review, you will learn about the essence of the game, various game strategies that will help you improve your chances of winning. Before you start using the basic strategy blackjack for bigger wins, we will share with you the stories of legends who entered the Blackjack Hall of Fame. Let’s start!

Blackjack glossary

When you are at the gaming table, you need to be fluent in the terminology of the game, especially since the online version of blackjack is fast-paced. Here are the most frequently-used BJ terms that you need to know while joining the game:

Doubling down

The participant can choose to “double down” one’s bet if one foresees the win. In many cases, it can increase a player’s bankroll significantly.

Face cards

    These are cards with images (jack, queen, king), each of which brings you 10 points. Face cards are the strongest, each deck has 12 of them.

    Hole card

      It is the starting card that the croupier issues to oneself and it remains closed until the end of the round.

      Insurance (bet)

        This opportunity is provided if the croupier issues an ace to oneself and this card is demonstrated to you. This is the same as the gambler’s insurance in case the dealer has 21. Whether the bet is insured, and the croupier gets 21 points, then the participant receives twice the insured bet.


          “Push” appears when the gambler and the dealer get an equal number of points. In such a situation, it is a draw and the player gets one’s bet back.

          Soft hand

            Whether a gambler has already played online blackjack, this term is already known to them. This term means that a gambler has an ace among the dealt cards. For instance, whether the value of the gambler’s card is +7, then the total value of the cards may be calculated both as 8 or 17. Namely, the ace gives an opportunity to select its value – 1 or 11 points.


              When a gambler receives a couple of identical cards, there is the opportunity to split them. In particular, the gambler’s cards are split into two combinations.


              The participant is allowed to surrender during the game. According to the rules of a particular establishment, the gambler may claim their initial bet back.

              Basic strategy of the blackjack game

              There are many different tactics to keep in mind when playing BJ online, but to be successful in the game, a player should understand which ones are the strongest and weakest, as well as when it is better to hit or stand, and which pairs are worth splitting.

              Strongest cards

              Ace will always be a good card because gamblers can play soft combinations. Remember, the croupier will continue to deal cards until getting 17 or more, your collected combination of cards will be decisive. The value of your card combination will always depend on the card shown by the dealer. The following are the most powerful combinations of cards that participants should stand with:

              • ace +7, 8 or 9;
              • a pair of 10;
              • a pair of face cards (jacks, queens, kings).

              If the croupier has opened a card with a face value of 4, 5, or 6, it is advisable to stop if the gambler already has a minimum combination of at least 13. For example, the dealer has opened 5, and the other card is 9, which together makes “14”. The croupier must keep issuing the cards until reaching 17, which will possibly lead to the loss.

              Surrender in online blackjack

              The surrender option allows the participant to fold. Most of the gamblers who play blackjack online do not use this option, even if they have little chance of winning. When you surrender, you lose half of your bet and your cards are folded. Some online casinos allow this option, but many players do not use it, so first you should familiarize yourself with the terms of the casino rules.

              Splitting pairs

              When identical pairs of cards are dealt, the gambler has the option to split them, so each card can be played as an individual combination. The participant must place an extra bet to split the pair of cards, this bet must be the same as the original bet. Some pairs should be split depending on the value of cards, while some cards should be left together (in one combination), thus leaving this pair more chances to stand.

              The strategy of splitting pairs directly depends on how many decks are used. On the other hand, online casinos often play with one deck of cards. Depending on which card the croupier is facing, this is important in deciding when and how to split a pair. The following are the best scenarios for when to split pairs and when not to.

              Smaller pairs (2 to 6)

              The basic rule for such pairs is not to split fives, since their total value is 10, which is a very strong card combination. When a gambler receives one more card in addition to fives, they are likely to have an advantage over the croupier who must keep taking until collecting 17. Any ace would then lead to 21, and all cards above five would be a great reason to stand. Therefore, fives should never be split, and also, their presence indicates that the bets have to be doubled.

              Big pairs (7 to 9)

              It all depends on which card the croupier has revealed and remembering that at 17, the croupier must stop, splitting the pairs would be the right choice. Precisely because the total value of the cards will be 14, this means that your position is less successful than that of the dealer. If you split sevens when the croupier shows 7, you will be in a better position to make 17, and you will have a small chance of losing.

              It is always worth splitting a pair of 8 because, with a 10 or a face card, this is a good combination to beat the croupier. Alternatively, if the eights are not split, the total value of the cards will be 16, which is still not a better position compared to the dealer.

              A pair of 9 is very successful and should be split unless the dealer turned up card 7. This statement is based on the fact that a common value of a pair 9 allows you to be in a strong position from the beginning.

              A pair of tens with a common value of “20” is much stronger than a split.

              Doubling in online blackjack

              In every casino game, the gambler needs to be able to take advantage of the benefits if any. One of them is doubling the bets. Doubling gives the right to make an additional bet equal to the previous one, provided that the participant refuses to take additional cards. This means that after doubling the bets, the gambler will only be able to take one additional card, but will no longer be able to use the “hit” option. However, not all online casinos offer the option to double your bets.

              Before using such a strategy, you need to carefully consider whether this is the most appropriate solution in a given situation. This is a risky strategy and should be used with extreme caution when playing online blackjack, considering that it involves double betting and limiting extra cards.

              Doubles in soft hands are often missed because BJ newcomers are not aware of the benefits. The main purpose of doubling soft combinations is to get extra money on the table when it becomes clear that the croupier will lose. When the croupier has a combination with a low value, it’s time to double the bet.

              It is worth noting that not all online casinos allow doubling BJ bets, so you should read the rules before starting the game. This way, you will know exactly which strategy to choose.

              The hit and stand strategies 

              The two most commonly used strategies are “hit” and “stand”. Therefore, it is important to understand their essence to benefit from the game. The presence of a card combination in the hands of a participant is crucial when choosing a strategy. BJ newcomers are always afraid to stay with their current hand because there is an opportunity to lose in the next “hit” move. If the croupier reveals a card from 2 to 6, you don’t need to be afraid to take another card, because there are still many opportunities left. If you have a combination of 12 to 16 in your hands, then it is better to stand.

              Here are the situations when it is better to split cards:

              • Aces must always be split.
              • 9s should always be split if the croupier opened from 2 to 9, excluding 7.
              • 8s should always be split because 16 is risky and any 10 will leave you in a better position.
              • It is advisable to split the pair of 7 if the croupier has from 2 to 7, taking into account that 14 is a very unfortunate result.
              • A pair of 6 must be split.
              • Double your bet if you have a pair of 5 and also if the croupier opens from 2 to 9, otherwise split this pair.
              • A pair of 4 must be split if the croupier showed 5 or 6.

              Alternatively, here are the situations when it is better to stand:

              • Always stand with a combination of cards with a total of 17 and above.
              • With 16 for the most part, it’s worth standing, especially if the croupier opens from 2 to 6.
              • Stay with 15 if the croupier opened from 2 to 6.
              • Double your bet if you have 11.
              • Double the bet if the croupier opens from 2 to 9, otherwise, hit.
              • Double 9 if the croupier has from 3 to 6, otherwise, hit.
              • Always hit if you have 8.

              How can you insure yourself when playing blackjack online?

              Online BJ insurance allows players to protect themselves from a potential dealer if the latter hits an ace. The decision to make insurance should be made as soon as possible after the card is placed, but before any other steps are taken. For example, a player cannot make an insurance bet after taking another card.

              If a player decides to make an insurance bet, one is most likely convinced that the croupier has a “10” or a face card. On the table, the insurance rates field is marked with the word “insurance,” and it will cost you half of your original bet. If the dealer has 21, your insurance will be paid out in a 2:1 ratio. Most casinos limit their insurance rates to half of the original bet. For example, if you place $20, the maximum amount you can make with your insurance is $10, but if you win, you’ll get back $20, including your share of the original bet.

              Keep in mind that the insurance bet is a separate bet that is used in case the croupier has a 10 card, a face card, or an ace face up. According to statistics, the insurance bet is justified in 25% of cases when playing with one deck of cards.

              Blackjack tournaments to participate in

              Many online casinos offer and organize BJ competitions, the rules of the game remain the same, but the main purpose still changes. In blackjack with the croupier, the goal is to beat the dealer by getting money, while in a BJ tournament, the game is played with the croupier and other players at the same time.

              In a tournament, all participants start with the same number of chips, and they qualify for the next round if they have more chips than their opponents. If you have fewer chips than at the beginning of the game, but more than your opponents, you can proceed to the next round.

              When playing in an online BJ tournament, your loss will be limited by the entry fees, while the potential cash prize can be extremely large. Below are the common types of BJ competitions provided at online casinos:


                Elimination tournaments are some of the most common competitions in which gamblers play against each other. The table winner moves on to the next game, and many online casinos offer participants the opportunity to buy off. Therefore, you need to carefully read the rules of the competitions before starting the game.

                Sit & Go

                  Just like in online poker, Sit & Go tournaments start when the BJ table is full (6 players). The only difference between Sit & Go and elimination is that it ends when one participant has more chips than all other players, while elimination tournaments have several stages.

                  Mini tournaments

                    Mini-tournaments are organized daily in various online casinos and have a relatively small buy-in (tournament fee) compared to their main prize pool, which often reaches several thousand. Mini-tournaments are a good alternative with a small investment, and the best thing about them is that the losses do not exceed the tournament buy-in.


                      This is a dog-eats-dog tournament when the participants compete against each other with the ultimate goal of collecting as many chips as possible throughout the tournament. Leading gamblers are displayed and updated on the leaderboard, just like in a poker tournament, so other players can adjust their future strategy by playing against the leader.

                      In online BJ events, all participants start with the same number of chips, and after a few games, the player with the most chips goes to the next round. Online BJ tournaments are a great way to get more money out of your budget. Especially if you are new to the game and want to limit your investment.

                      Here is what you need to know about playing online BJ tournaments:

                      • Always check your chip count against other gamblers.
                      • Evaluate the situation to understand when to place a higher bet to get the most out of the game.
                      • Use positioning to your advantage. Unlike online poker, where it is most beneficial to act at the last minute, online blackjack, on the contrary, gives an advantage to the one who acts first and thus can prevail over other players.
                      • You need to be clear about when to bet the same as your opponent, when to lower the bet, and when to increase.

                      What are the types of blackjack players?

                      When participating in the tournament, it is also crucial to scan the people at your table. Therefore, knowing more about the types of BJ players will help you to adjust your strategy at the table. Which one do you belong to?


                        Casinos make money from careless players because they do not strive to learn how to play blackjack correctly. They perceive visiting online casinos as entertainment, often come with friends for a drink or a snack, and do not care about sticking to a certain strategy. Such players are guided by their intuition. They will hit or stand based on emotion, intuition, or luck. Their actions are inconsistent, badly-considered, and they will place their bets randomly.

                        However, there is nothing wrong with considering blackjack as a game for fun. Unless you want to win big money, losing a few dollars for fun is not a big problem. Moreover, sometimes these players are really lucky.


                          This player knows what to do: to hit or stand, based on a set of rules, the so-called basic strategy. This ensures that the house edge is as low as possible during the game. If you do it perfectly, the house edge will be no more than 0.55%. A basic strategy takes a lot of practice. The rules are simple, but memorizing them can take a while. It is not that easy when you are in a live casino. To master the basic strategy, take a few practice rounds or play virtual blackjack before you sit down at the table.

                          Fake expert

                            The fake expert is loud and boastful. He has just watched the movie 21 and thinks he knows all about blackjack and the ideal betting strategy. Fake experts usually enjoy a drink or two and are happy to tell anyone willing to listen that they know what they are doing. A fake expert will most likely tell you that you are doing everything wrong. They will give you “good advice” trying to help you. Don’t listen to them. Listening to a fake expert is a sure way to lose all your money.

                            Math geek

                              Blackjack attracts players who consider it not a game, but a mathematical problem. They can create a basic strategy and will never go against it unless they try to keep the pit boss from noticing them. Blackjack differs from other casino table games in that it is based on dependent events. This means that each hand played has a probabilistic effect on the next event. By using a strategy such as card counting, players can turn the house edge to their advantage.


                                Professional BJ players are careful. They make a living by gambling, so they don’t want the casino to notice their presence. Their mentality is to get in, win big, get out. Professional players usually stay an hour or less. As soon as they hit the amount they wanted to win, they quit the game. There is no point in continuing to play if they are just risking their investments. Professionals use a variety of strategies that give them an edge.

                                The most famous team of professionals is the one you have probably heard of, at least if you are into blackjack. In the 1990s, the MIT Blackjack Team made millions of dollars using this method.

                                Have you recognized yourself in one of the above players? Do you like what you see in the mirror? Don’t worry, there is enough time to change everything. At least we recommend you to learn more about the professional BJ players and follow their examples.

                                The annual blackjack players’ ball

                                For quite a long time, the Blackjack Hall of Fame had been nothing more than an idea that professional players of this interesting card game wanted to implement. Therefore, it is not surprising that the idea was implemented several decades ago. This happened because the players decided that their achievements should be awarded at the international level.

                                Max Rubin is a well-known gambling expert, talented journalist, and writer, as well as an avid BJ fan. He devoted his whole life to popularizing this game of chance. Today, thanks to Max’s efforts, the best players from all over the world have the opportunity to meet face to face at the annual ball for the elite. It is simply impossible for regular players to get to the elite event because only outstanding winners of the BJ game receive invitation tickets.

                                Since 1997, Max has gathered passionate fans of this gambling game in his own home, where the best of the best can compete with each other. Rumours of unusual meetings at Rubin’s house soon spread in gaming circles, and many BJ players dreamed of attending a mysterious ball at least once.

                                A bit later Rubin came up with a great idea, which, however, he successfully implemented. In 2002, with the assistance of the Barona Casino owners in San Diego, the Blackjack Hall of Fame was created. It included a small museum with exhibits on this card game and a wall of fame that featured photos of the best BJ players. The best player is chosen once a year at that very private ball by secret voting of all the guests present.

                                By 2004, Max Rubin’s house was unable to accommodate all the players, and several decisions, significant for the event, were adopted. Since that year, the blackjack ball has been held annually in a new secret place, which guests learn about shortly before the event. The number of invitees should not exceed the symbolic number – 112. You can get an invitation ticket to the event only if you win a big game at blackjack. As a bonus prize, the casino presents the winner with a bottle of chilled champagne – this is a ticket to a mysterious blackjack ball.

                                Blackjack legends

                                To get into the Blackjack Hall of Fame, you need to achieve great success in this card game. Basically, you need to either win a big jackpot playing blackjack or write a book and develop a strategy. The best gamblers who know how to assess risks and beat a gambling establishment are usually included on the list of the most successful and dangerous people for casinos. Among them we can single out the following BJ legends:

                                1. Edward O. Thorp is one of the first to appear in the Blackjack Hall of Fame. In his book “Beat the Dealer”, he first proved the advantage of the casino in the card game and proposed several strategies leading to victory.
                                2. Stanford Wong is a pro card player who published the book “Professional Blackjack” in 1975 and developed one of the first calculating programs for assessing the odds of a game.
                                3. Tommy Hyland has been a successful casino gambler since 1979. To this day, he leads one of the best teams of blackjack players.
                                4. Arnold Snyder is a professional gambler and legal advocate for card gamblers, author of “The Blackjack Formula”, editor of the Blackjack Forum gambling magazine. He was the first to argue the importance of counting the remaining cards in the deck for a winning strategy.
                                5. Ken Uston is a BJ expert, author of the concept of team play, and the winner of a lawsuit against Atlantic City casinos. In addition, Ken is fond of computer games and is the author of tutorials for beginner gamblers.
                                6. Peter Griffin is a number theory mathematician in card games and author of “Blackjack Theory”.
                                7. Laurence Revere is the BJ legend, player, and pit boss who has developed several successful blackjack strategies. He is the author of the book “Blackjack as a Business”.
                                8. Max Rubin is the current organizer of the BJ championships.
                                9. James Grosjean is a professional gambler who has sued Las Vegas casinos. He is the author of the book “Beyond Counting”.
                                10. Zeljko Ranogajec is a gambler who turned a couple of hundred bets into multi-million dollar winnings. He has been denied access to gambling houses in the United States and Australia.

                                Now women are very tempted to enter the Blackjack Hall of Fame. Interestingly, no female player has ever been elected to such a prestigious private club. Even though quite a few women were nominated almost every year, but no one was elected by voting. Because of this, a lot of controversy and debate has erupted, so there is a high chance that a woman will finally get into the Blackjack Hall of Fame.

                                In recent years, more and more women have shown great success in blackjack. Now the gender of the player does not play any role, which certainly has a very positive impact on the development of the gambling business.

                                In conclusion

                                As in any other gambling game, there are certain rules that you must adhere to to defeat your opponents in blackjack. Indeed, in another case, the chances of winning will be simply scanty. We hope that this article will help you to understand and play blackjack better. Keep learning and focus on your success! Good luck!

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