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Top 25 Gambling Quotes and Proverbs

Top 25 Gambling Quotes and Proverbs

Since risky actions have long been an integral part of everyday human life, a casino theme could not fail to generate numerous gambling quotes and proverbs with a unique and instructive premise. With this in mind, we have selected 25 quotes to help you better understand the gambling world and learn more about its iconic legends.

“Money won is twice as sweet as money earned.” 

There are thousands of gambling quotes from movies, but this one describes the reason causing millions of people to go back to gambling again and again. The adrenaline euphoria after a superb win is worth much more than just money. Perhaps this is what Fast Eddie Felson, Paul Newman’s character in The Color of Money movie, had in mind when he said this line. 

“Gambling is not about how well you play the games; it’s really about how well you handle your money.” 

The renowned poker player, V. P. Pappy, gave us a lot of excellent phrases. However, this professional advice is one of the most useful. Gamblers tend to forget about their bankroll and make betting decisions based on emotions. The quote’s author focuses on this issue and encourages players to treat their money more responsibly while playing.  

“Quit while you’re ahead. All the best gamblers do.” 

Baltasar Gracián y Morales came up with this philosophical quote over 300 years ago, and it remains a handy gambling recommendation to this day. You always have a chance to excel at casino games, but what really matters is whether you can resist the temptation and stop at the right moment. If you can withdraw the lion’s share of your winnings on time, your gambling experience will be much more profitable. 

“I’ve learned the lesson that the worst thing that can happen to a gambler is to let his recent losses or wins knock him off keel emotionally.” 

In this quote, Andrew Beyer, who has written several books on horse racing betting, shares his experience. He describes the trap that millions of gamblers fall victim to – emotional, impulsive decisions. This quote should be a reminder to you that there is no room for irrational actions due to your wins or failures in the games of chance. 

“There is a very easy way to return from a casino with a small fortune; go there with a large one.” 

The American Army’s Captain, Jack Yelton, delivered one of the most iconic and truthful gambling quotes. Basically, he talks about the casino industry’s inevitable losing nature. And although Jack has a point here, it does not mean that you should forever give up real money poker or another game. Yes, gambling establishments have a long-term odds advantage. But at the same time, casinos always give you the opportunity to get winnings many times higher than your bets and have some fun in the process. 

“Once you start thinking you have nothing left to learn, you have everything to learn.” 

The good thing about this quote is that it applies not only to gambling but also to every other aspect of our life. Steve Badger, a seasoned poker player, meant that you should not stop improving yourself even if you think you have hit the ceiling in a certain area. He told this to his poker school’s students, but this instruction would be useful to you outside the gambling world too.

“At gambling, the deadly sin is to mistake bad play for bad luck.” 

James Bond saga admirers have probably heard of this quote. Ian Fleming used this expression in his book Casino Royale. The writer touches upon a significant problem that gamblers face – they deny reality and do not want to admit their own mistakes, blaming poor luck for everything. Of course, many games do not depend on our decisions and are solely based on RNG results. But when it comes to something like poker or blackjack, you have to rely on both luck and your understanding of the game. 

“If there weren’t luck involved, I would win every time.” 

The successful poker player Phil Hellmuth also refers to luck that significantly lowers his winning chances. With this quote, he admits that luck plays a significant role in winning, even if you know the game at a professional level. Otherwise, poker gurus like Phil would have won every poker tournament they join. 

“Nobody has ever bet enough on a winning horse.” 

Although this short expression does not have a clear author, it reflects the feeling of gamblers who made a winning bet perfectly. No matter how much money you put on a winning horse, number or card, it will always seem to you that your bet should have been bigger. It is a natural human reaction. However, it does not make the winnings you do get any less satisfying. 

“Hoping to recoup is what ruins the gambler.” 

According to this Irish proverb, skilful gamblers should never continue playing after a losing streak hoping to get their money back. The pursuit of lost funds leads to even more crucial consequences than the initial loss more often than not. Therefore, you must be ready for certain defeats and take the game calmly, assessing your chances for the next rounds. 

“Nobody is always a winner, and anybody who says he is either a liar or doesn’t play poker.” 

Thomas Austin Preston Jr. was a prominent figure in the American poker world. Other players called him Amarillo Slim, and he had 4 World Series of Poker prize bracelets. Thomas became the author of numerous gambling quotes and sayings. He dedicated this phrase to a simple and understandable truth – even your insane card skills will never allow you to win every game.  

“Try to decide how good your hand is at a given moment. Nothing else matters. Nothing.” 

This collection of quotes about gambling would not have been full without any words from a poker legend, Doyle Brunson. In the phrase, he shares meaningful advice on the right winning strategy with us. Doyle implies that players tend to worry about their past and future table decisions too much. But instead, they should focus more on their current hand and try to predict their opponents’ cards at the moment. 

“Aces are larger than life and greater than mountains.”

The value of aces is hard to overestimate when you are at the card table, and Mike Caro wanted to say exactly that. This successful poker player and established book writer has a nickname of The Mad Genius, and for a good reason. He contributed to the gambling industry development with his tutorials seriously and changed the poker scene forever. 

“Hold’em is a game of calculated aggression. If your cards are good enough for you to call a bet, they are good enough to raise with.” 

Although these words’ author, Alfred Alvarez, was not a professional gambler, his literary pieces often included some useful gambling quotes. In these lines, he describes a meaningful poker concept perfectly. Inexperienced players often forget that they have a promising hand after the first bet, but it is the wrong approach. If you do get hopeful cards and make a call, you can also choose the right moment to play aggressively and raise the bet. 

“Hold’em is to stud what chess is to checkers.”

It is also one of the most famous gambling quotes because it came from The Grand Old Man of Poker. If you have been living under a rock and do not know anything about Johnny Moss, he was somewhat of a poker industry’s religious father. His peers recognized him as the first winner of the World Series of Poker in 1970. He has 9 winning bracelets from this tournament and definitely knows a thing or two about the Hold’em’s difficulty. In essence, Johnny argues that stud poker is too easy to compare to the Hold’em format, which you can learn endlessly. 

“Poker, a day to learn and a lifetime to master.” 

If someone asked you to describe poker in one short phrase, that would be one of the best gambling quotes to choose. The phrase’s author, Robert Williamson III, specializes in Omaha poker and has already achieved pretty impressive results in this format. In the expression, Robert refers to perhaps the main reason for the poker’s popularity – its depth. Any player can learn the basic poker strategy within a day. However, the game has so many nuances and features that most gamblers will never be able to master all of its layers fully. 

“If you must play, decide upon three things at the start: the rules of the game, the stake, and the quitting time.” 

This Chinese proverb is a brief beginner’s guide to any gambling entertainment. If you learn all the essential game rules and can stick to your pre-set limits in terms of bets and timing, your gaming adventures will be much more profitable. These are quite simple truths; however, even experienced gamblers tend to forget about them during a successful gambling session. 

“If I lose today, I can look forward to winning tomorrow, and if I win today, I can expect to lose tomorrow. A sure thing is no fun.” 

When it comes to anti gambling quotes, this expression can surely make many players look at their risky hobby differently. Moreover, it comes from Chico Marx, who suffered from gambling addiction despite his success in the comedy and acting industry. Considering that Chico was losing absurd money on various sports bets, he knew what he was talking about in the mentioned phrase. In his case, the game became not a source of entertainment but long-term torture that had been ruining his life to the end. 

“Blackjack is the only casino game an amateur can learn to play and at which he can definitely win.” 

Lawrence Revere delivered one of the most positive gambling quotes for beginner players. He knew the gaming business from both sides: as a player and as a casino employee. Lawrence was a professional pit boss and focused his free time on blackjack strategies.  

His approach to card counting was so revolutionary that many players still rely on it today. You can make sure about his recommendations’ usefulness by reading the book Playing Blackjack as a Business. But if you do not have time to dive into the blackjack’s intricacies, do not worry – as Revere said, you have a great chance of winning even if you have never tried the game before. 

“The majority of casino players leave too much to chance when playing in a casino. To put it bluntly, they don’t have a clue as to how to play.” 

While these quotes on gambling may seem offensive to you, these words’ author did not try to humiliate the players in any way. Instead, Henry Tamburin, who is a top-notch gambling author, refers to the fact that most players could have much better winning odds at casinos if they relied on some basic strategy at least a bit. Henry wrote the book Blackjack: Take the Money and Run, which focuses on various counting methods and bankroll management so you can listen to his words without hesitation. 

“The best throw of the dice is to throw them away.” 

If you were looking for quit gambling quotes for your loved one with a gambling addiction, this English proverb would come in handy. Although it refers to roulette and other games that have dice, any player will understand the phrase’s essence: “Do you want the highest chance of saving your money? Stop playing.” While a healthy gambling hobby is impossible without self-control, many people continue to lose colossal sums of money in pursuit of some illusory jackpots. Who knows, maybe this phrase will help you explain to your friend or relative that it is time for him/her to get rid of his/her gambling obsession.  

“Remember this. The house doesn’t beat the player. It just gives him the opportunity to beat himself.” 

This phrase belongs to Nikos Dandolos, who also was an iconic poker player and a member of the Hall of Fame. He competed in the famous 5-month poker marathon against Johnny Moss in 1949. Nikos lost then, but it does not worsen his understanding of the gambling industry in any way. In this slightly funny gambling quote, Dandolos reminds players that even when casinos give them solid winnings, they often return home with empty pockets because of stupid and impulsive actions. 

 “Gambling is a principle inherent in human nature.” 

This quote about gambling and life came from Edmund Burke, who lived in the 18th century. Edmund was a politician and had many fascinating philosophical thoughts to share. While this line is a somewhat controversial statement, there is a significant grain of truth in it. People tend to like gambling even if the games do not include financial rewards. In addition, most of us have made bets with our friends since childhood to resolve some controversial situations or have fun.   

“Luck never gives; it only lends.” 

Swedes probably know a thing or two about luck, as this proverb reflects the nature of luck in gambling perfectly. When you experience a winning streak and assume that luck will be on your side for the rest of the night, “this lady” tends to take back those borrowed wins from you. Of course, some incredibly successful players can argue with this good luck gambling quote. However, mere mortal gamblers can only dream of endless winning streaks. 

“Few players recall big pots they have won, strange as it seems, but every player can remember with remarkable accuracy the outstanding tough beats of his career.” 

This line probably does not belong on the list of the most popular gambling quotes from movies, but it surely deserves to be there. The Rounders’ movie character, Jack King, emphasizes that players often forget even their most significant winnings. But when it comes to tough losses, gamblers remember these things in detail. This expression may seem paradoxical to you at first glance. However, if you have made at least one bet in your life, you will see that Jack is right, and we remember our significant losses better than our winnings.

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