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What Are the Advantages of Launching and Investing a White Label Casino?

What Are the Advantages of Launching and Investing a White Label Casino?

The modern gambling world is reaping with an abundance of gaming opportunities for both players and operators. While casino visitors do not have to care about anything but their money, the owners must conduct a thorough preparation to ensure they get the desired profit. The organisational process is particularly tricky to the newcomers of the industry. They are often overwhelmed with the amount of workload that must be done to receive a lucrative gambling environment.

In this case, they are highly recommended to resort to professionals and pick a White Label casino as their first project. Besides enriching the operator, its primary function is providing experience to the owners. Efficient assistance from a parent company makes it possible to achieve guaranteed success. Let us dive a bit deeper and try to perceive all peculiarities of starting an online casino on a White Label basis.

White Label Scheme in Business

This operational model has already been popular before getting into the gambling industry. Various companies offer their brand to small businesses to expand the influence and increase the revenue. At the same time, the small entrepreneurs were glad to become a part of huge enterprises, earn some money, and gain valuable experience.

With the introduction of a White Label scheme in the gaming business, the essence of the operational model did not change — huge brands started giving access to their tools while operators led their projects under the guidance of parent companies.

White Label Operational Model in Online Gambling

Apart from helpful guidance, a parent company provides an operator with almost everything necessary for establishing a smooth working process, including:

  • hosting;
  • gambling sublicense;
  • gaming and administrative casino software;
  • betting lines (in case of a bookmaker’s business);
  • payment processing tools;
  • promotional means;
  • support team contact;
  • legal assistance.

At the same time, an operator introduces a personal domain name, unique design, personalised bonuses, and loyalty programs. It basically means that an entirely new casino appears on the market that utilises the gaming tools provided by a parent casino.

Financial Aspect of a White Label Casino

Considering the possible expenses, the average cost of an online casino on a White Label basis can vary from $1,000 to $10,000. Since you are renting a considerable number of essential tools, your profit will be limited to the agreement you conclude with the parent company. Usually, an operator’s percentage of the Net Gaming Revenue of a White Label casino equals 40-60%. Moreover, the bonuses provided and promotional expenses are paid out from your pocket, in most cases. Eventually, your monthly income will be around 20-35% of the casino’s NGR.

Advantages of Renting White Label Software

Unless such an operational model brought vivid benefits, it would not be so popular among new operators around the world. Moreover, a White Label casino solution is often taken up even by experienced entrepreneurs, considering the business environment around them. The main question here is why it is so popular.

Organisational processSince the parent company grants you with a proper sublicense, it cuts several weeks (or in some cases even months) of waiting for the approval, turning a casino creation process into a matter of just a few days
Investment amountIf your budget is tight, a White Label casino solution is your ideal way out, since you do not have to spend hundreds of thousands dollars on building the entire platform from scratch
Reliable softwareYou do not have to look for trusted software providers since your parent company is already using reputable gaming and administrative tools to satisfy the players’ requirements
No huge expensesIn the case of hitting the jackpot, you are not supposed to pay a penny — your parent company is responsible for paying out all huge winnings
Experienced supportAgain, you will not need to hire any support team members as you will be connected to the network of specially-trained personnel that will take care of your clients’ problems and malfunctions

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