Jelena Popošilov Reveals the Secret to Affiliate Marketing in iGaming

Jelena Popošilov Reveals the Secret to Affiliate Marketing in iGaming

Jelena Popošilov is an Affiliate Manager at Wolfpack Partners with a huge experience in the content producing and iGaming affiliate marketing. She has shared her thoughts and views on affiliate innovations, strategies, and the secrets of successful affiliate agencies.

You have an inspiring experience in iGaming content production. Have you already identified the unique techniques in gambling content that are different from content for any other sector? 

There is a reason why saying content is king is a cliche, but it really is applicable to any industry out there. It does not matter if it is gambling content in question, each industry needs to know its target audience in order to deliver quality content that will resonate and add value to its customers. Without knowing your final user you can not create any content with meaning. 

Gambling often becomes a problematic sector in some markets, which entails restrictions for promotion campaigns. How can you advertise gambling products and not provoke an increase in problem gambling among the players?

We all need to take care of our players as best as we can, and sometimes that means checking in with them if we see a potential gambling problem. It is impossible to avoid gamblers who are struggling with addiction, but luckily there are ways to identify them and give them a helping hand. The gambling industry has to shift advertising to game variety and adventures that games bring more than showing coins pop up after every click they make. Advertising of gambling itself can be potentially triggering to some users who are already struggling, but at the same time advertising is not the root of the problem. There has to be a strong commitment to socially responsible behavior across the gambling industry. I would recommend one interesting research paper to everyone interested in exploring the effect of gambling advertising called “Does Gambling Advertising Contribute to Problem Gambling?” by Mark D. Griffiths.

What are the most inviting affiliate innovations while casino promotion in 2023? How to attract as many players as possible these days?

In an industry that is abundant with both players and products, brands need to keep up with the fast-pacing changes and users’ needs. It is not enough to have a good product on the market if it is not advertised to the correct target audience. With countless platforms to choose from it can be quite a task of getting players’ attention and keeping it. We always try to look for new ways to make our brands stand out in the crowd.

How would you describe the job of an affiliate manager in the gambling industry these days? What are the challenges and what is important to achieve or avoid during the campaign?

Being an affiliate manager is quite fun and challenging at the same time. I love my job so it is really hard for me to not be biased, but it definitely is a dynamic role. Having a good, respectful and honest relationship with the affiliates makes the job easy. Challenges are always present of course, from technical to regulatory spheres, but when you have a good team of people around you anything is possible. It is important for me that any set goals and promises are achieved for both sides. Sometimes it is giving or taking, but a good deal is one where both sides win. 

The season of holidays and mass online shopping is approaching. At this time, is the strategy for promotional gambling products through affiliate channels changing?

I wouldn’t say it is necessarily changing. We are all shifting promotions to keep up with the holiday vibe and entertain the players as best as we can. Maybe promotions will get more intense as the holidays approach, but at the end of the day, the goal is to be promoted all the time, isn’t it? 

Gen Z is definitely the most active online audience. However, the preferred audience for casino operators is millennials. What tools can be used to attract millennials to casino sites and at the same time not be attractive to minors?

This is where “know your audience” comes into question. Millennials and Gen Z are psychologically and behaviorally completely different audiences. Not to mention that they are using different platforms in their daily online life, so it is not so hard to keep them apart and avoid one or the other. From the affiliation side, affiliates know their traffic and can target it better than we can. High-quality brands cannot avoid attractiveness, but as we all know minors are prohibited to use gambling sites. 

What do you think makes an affiliate agency better than others? How to deal with high competition?

Good employees are what makes a company. As for high competition, it is somewhat the same as in all other industries – good products, good employees, and good relations with affiliates. 

What do you expect to face in the affiliate marketing industry in 2024? Do you see any challenges coming the next year, especially for the iGaming niche?

There are new challenges popping up every day in our industry. From Google algorithm to markets being regulated, the best we can do is try to keep up with them and adapt.

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