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Where to Place Sports Betting Ads: Top-5 Types of Websites by Epom

Where to Place Sports Betting Ads: Top-5 Types of Websites by Epom

In the highly competitive world of sports betting, reach is everything. The search for the most optimal ad placement is an eternal quest for any betting brand. Well, this is not some kind of secret knowledge for chosen ones. 

In this article, Epom takes a magnifying glass to the digital terrain, pinpointing the top 5 types of websites that can drive traffic and an engaged audience straight to your platform. They’ll also explain what ad placements to use for most performances. Let’s hop in. 

Which Ad Placement is Best for Your Resource?

Placing an ad that hits a spot is a lot more complicated than it looks. Here’s some theory for deeper understanding of ad placement, but for now, let’s continue with practical advice.

Sports News Websites

Why: Sports news websites are a hotspot for avid sports fans, plus there’s plenty of inventory, which makes them an ideal place for betting brands. These visitors are already interested in sports outcomes and teams, being more susceptible to betting offers.

Best ad placements: Banners, outstream video, interscroller, native. The news blog usually contains text articles and occasional videos, so non-invasive, noticeable ads are your best pic.

Video Streaming Websites

Why: Live sports events and streaming platforms go hand in hand. Viewers watching their favorite teams play are already in the mindset of sports, making it an opportune moment to introduce sports betting offers.

Best ad placements: In-streams, floaters, and skins. Nothing is more annoying than getting your match interrupted by the ad. That’s why using accurate and unobtrusive placements is a great choice.

E-commerce Stores with Sports Equipment

Why: You watch sports – you probably want to try it yourself. E-commerce platforms catering to sports equipment attract visitors keen on sports activities. 

Best ad placements: Promoted listing, animated banner. These ad placements work in their own ways. Promoted listing is a stealthy approach to feature an ad among organic placements, while animated banners attract more attention. 

iGaming News and Casino Review Sites

Why: Users on iGaming news and casino review sites have already demonstrated an interest in gambling and online gaming. This overlap with sports betting makes them a prime audience.

Best ad placements: Native ads, banners. The concept is similar to sports news resources. The audience is already engaged, so you don’t want to overwhelm them with too many ads.

Fantasy Sports Websites


“Certainly, when you look at users of fantasy sports websites, you’ll quickly realize they’re not just casual observers. They’re deeply engrossed in the intricacies of real-world sports. 

This demographic represents a high-value target because of its analytical nature and competitive spirit. Most interestingly, they’re not strangers to the concept of ‘betting,’ having already navigated it within the fantasy realm.”

Andriy Liulko, Epom’s Chief of Sales and betting industry expert.

Best ad placements: Rich media, in-stream videos, and playables within the betting platform. These ads should be as engaging as the game to attract the betters, so these should work just fine. 


Perfect placements + perfect slots = conversions!

The above recommendations are a good starting point, but staying updated on digital trends and using an advanced ad-serving tech stack is key. Pick your favorite format and try Epom software to make ad placement effective and accessible!


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