Payment traffic division in iGaming

Primary traffic

Primary and secondary traffic – what’s the difference?

We notice confusion in the definition of traffic types by different specialists. The topic is important, especially in payment flows, let’s look into it.

Primary traffic (FTD) is all those people who come to the site for the first time and make their first deposit. This is the most raw traffic, having no experience with the product and registering their first account.

By default, after one deposit is made and the account is functional, such a person seems to have secondary traffic. BUT in the vast majority of cases only for marketing purposes. It’s quite possible to work with him and involve him in the world of the project. Talk about bonuses and offers.

If we are talking about financial flow and the category of power of attorney, then one deposit is extremely not enough to “trust” the user.

Taking into account the logic of the business, the frequency of payments of the average user and the nature of transactions – 3 or more payments, a completed profile and clear activity may indicate that the user is identified and goes into the trusted category. Simply put, we know what to expect from him and are confident that he is who he says he is.

👎Why all these difficulties?

Due to the high risk of some business models (such as gambling and Forex, for example), the desire to protect the financial system and maintain its stability unites merchants and payment service providers. After all, this will allow both to earn more, and for some to actually earn more. Compromise of secure payment methods to primary traffic can lead to a series of fraudulent actions on the part of visitors, and this in turn leads to the loss of funds by the merchant and possible loss of structure by the provider.

There are many more reasons to divide traffic into new and conditionally “old” than this one; but even based on it, it is already obvious that the issue requires attention. Approaches may vary – the main thing is their effectiveness in achieving a common goal.

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GBC Time