Huawei Ads: Online Guide

Huawei Ads: Online Guide

Huawei Technologies occupies one of the leading places in the tech sector. According to the International Data Corporation report, in Q3 2019, the company accounted for 18.6% of revenue in the global smartphone market. Currently, over 700 million people are using Huawei devices monthly. Brand owners, publishers, marketing agencies, and developers can reach this audience via a new innovative service from the tech giant – Huawei Ads.

The advertising platform, which is often mentioned in the trending business news, is a fairly new but innovative marketing solution. In 2021, Huawei Ads was granted an annual App Growth Award. The service connects advertisers with the users of Huawei devices, apps, and other services while providing tailored solutions to create the best promo campaigns. On the platform, business owners, developers, and ad agencies can create more than ten mainstream ad formats and grow their business by:

  • increasing site traffic;
  • expanding brand exposure;
  • promoting an application.

How does Huawei Ads work?

Huawei Ads is a multifunctional solution that allows brand owners, developers, and marketing agencies to promote their services and products, monetize the traffic, and target new mobile audiences in the vast Huawei ecosystem. The network expands to all Huawei devices and products, including:

  • AppGallery;
  • Huawei search engine Petal Search;
  • 20+ Huawei mobile applications with over 100 million total users (e.g., Huawei Video, Huawei Music, Huawei Assistant, Huawei Reader);
  • third-party apps.

With this service, the Huawei partners get access to a broad user base, which expands to 220+ countries and regions. The service targets active mobile users among 700+ million monthly Huawei audience and 83+ million premium users. Thus, advertisers, publishers, and developers can target Huawei customers while maintaining the best conversion rates.

The Huawei Ads users can take advantage of high-end tools and create marketing campaigns directly on the platform. The types of campaigns include:

  • display;
  • search;
  • shopping;
  • hotel;
  • app;
  • local.

The Huawei Ads service is a perfect solution for raising the exposure of Android mobile apps, shopping services, web pages, hotels, local stores, etc. Among the renowned brands that have become Huawei partners are:

  • Air China;
  • BMW;
  • Dior;
  • Lexus;
  • TikTok;
  • Pepsi.

Payment models

To ensure the maximum return on investments, the service offers only performance-based payment models. After an advertiser creates an ad campaign on the Huawei Ads dashboard, the ad takes part in bidding against other adverts with the same target audience. When the advertisement wins the bid, it is shown in the specified slot in one of the Huawei media channels. The advertiser is charged only for the performance achieved by the ad. The main bid types include:

  • CPC – cost per conversion;
  • CPI – cost per install, which is usually applied to the Huawei mobile applications;
  • CPM – cost per mile, or cost per a thousand impressions.

Advertisers or agencies can also sign a contract with Huawei Technologies for showcasing their ads at certain ad slots at a specified time range. However, the contract only covers brand keyword ads and offers a CPM model.

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How to sign up for Huawei Ads services?

Advertisers need to register on the official website of the Huawei Ads to promote their products or services in the program. Signing up for Huawei Ads is completely free of charge. Advertisers can create two types of accounts on the platform:

  1. Direct advertiser account for the business promoting its own products and services;
  2. Partner account for advertising agencies that promote other brands or businesses. Huawei Ads partners can also add level-2 partner account, which, in their turn, can create advertiser accounts.

Huawei Ads Publisher Service

In addition to the Ads platform – a service for advertisers and marketing agencies – Huawei offers Publisher Service for developers. This program allows app developers to monetize the traffic from their platforms by integrating the Huawei Ads kit and displaying ad campaigns. The Publisher Service connects app developers with the advertisers for mutual benefit. The tech company claims that the main pros of the service are:

  • access to a wide network of advertisers;
  • enhanced user interface and consistent brand image;
  • high-quality customer service.

Main features of the Huawei Ads platform

Huawei Ads utilizes cutting-edge technology to create the best marketing campaigns. For the maximum results, advertisers can use all the innovative tools of the platform, including multi-dimensional audience targeting. The users also get access to a vast library of creatives and banners. The Huawei Ads website also has tons of educational materials for marketers. Let’s look closely at the main features of the service.

One-click installation

This tool helps increase ad conversion by streamlining the download process. Users can complete the installation without going to another page, as the mini-details ad page opens directly in the application they’re using.

User profiling and audience segmentation

Huawei Ads uses big data analytics to create precise user profiles and carry out multi-dimensional targeting. The tool is available at eight Huawei devices with plenty of data samples. The service also utilizes a Data Management Platform for more accurate audience segmentation. It helps the users of Huawei Ads reach their intended clientele and increase conversions.

Audience models

To help advertisers reach new customers, Huawei Ads goes further in user segmentation. The service develops models of new audiences with a high accuracy rate. The models are created on a basis of similar user niches.

Cost management

As mentioned before, all payments are performance-based at Huawei Ads. To offer the most cost-efficient advertising, the service automatically adjusts bids in real-time. AI models (Remarketing and Lookalike) help to tailor ad delivery strategies.

Study materials

New users can learn about the service in more than 35 free educational videos. Video courses cover multiple topics, from adjusting the Huawei Ads dashboard and creating new campaigns to basic marketing knowledge, such as targeting and web page tracking. And materials are available for free upon registration on the platform.

Ad formats on the Huawei Ads platform

One of the main benefits of the Huawei Ads is the great variety of ad formats, as it supports over ten mainstream ad types. The three main forms of adverts on the platform are:

  1. Display ads;
  2. Search ads;
  3. Ads on AppGallery.

Display ads

The display network covers the Huawei apps (like Huawei Video) and third-party apps with Huawei Publisher service. The ad formats include:

  1. Banners. These image adverts appear in banner form in the app;
  2. Splash. Available in the image (3 sec) and video (5 sec) format, this ad is shown when the app is open and provides full brand exposure;
  3. Native. This type of ad is supported different formats: text, image, and video. Native ads are highly-immersive;
  4. Rewarded. These video ads bolster user engagement;
  5. Interstitial. It can be in the form of an image or video and appear at in-app transition points. They usually have a high click-through rate;
  6. Roll. This video ad plays for 15 or 30 seconds before, during, or after the video is played.

Search adverts

Search adverts are ideal for companies that want to promote their products or services on the Huawei search engine – Petal Search. There are multiple ad formats available on the Petal Search:

  1. Search ad matches advertiser’s keywords with the users’ inputs. With broad, exact, phase matching modes it can be displayed in form of the text or images;
  2. A shopping ad is displayed to the users searching for the related products on Petal;
  3. Brand keyword ad is shown in a large area at the first position of the search result page.

Hotels and local businesses can also promote their services on the Petal Search.

App download ads

These ads are displayed at Huawei’s app distribution platform – App Gallery. Ad slots in this network include:

  1. App search. Includes search results (up to 200 keywords per ad) and quick search (installation shortcuts);
  2. Recommended apps. After the user activates AppGallery for the first time, they have displayed a list of apps to download. Top-6 apps at the top of the page have higher conversion rates;
  3. Standard. The apps and games recommended in the AppGallery.

Main advantages of Huawei Ads

As seen from the contents above, the Huawei Ads platform is a great solution for those who want to promote their services to a broad mobile audience. To sum up, the main advantages of the platform include:

  • Precise targeting and profiling of the audience with high-end tech tools;
  • Wide user base and publishing network;
  • Diverse ad formats;
  • Top-up rewards for direct advertisers, as Huawei Ads users can earn bonuses for participating in special activities;
  • Maximum ROI with the efficient cost-cutting payment system.

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