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SEO for Casinos: Pieces of Advice to Take into Account

SEO for Casinos: Pieces of Advice to Take into Account

One of the most frequent questions among the owners of gambling establishments is how to make a casino highly competitive. Indeed, the promotion of a platform for gambling is not a very easy task. When it comes to this industry, most of the traditional media channels, such as printed and TV advertisements, are either completely prohibited or allowed only to holders of local gambling licenses, the receipt of which is not always economically feasible.

Of course, there are also other ways to convey information to a potential client, such as paid advertising on ​​Google or Facebook Ads but they have some drawbacks as well. Facebook traffic is not always the most relevant, and paid advertising on ​​Google, as a rule, has numerous limitations. In any case, to utilize these strategies for promotion, it is necessary to be ready to spend much money. And this isn’t always a good idea, especially if the young casino does not have a large advertising budget.

According to many industry’s experts, in such a situation, one of the best methods of a casino promoting is search engine optimization (SEO). This involves a gradual increase in positions of search engines and is regarded as one of the most effective but, at the same time, complicated strategies requiring much time.

To achieve success in this industry, it is also important to be aware of the legal aspect. To improve your knowledge, you can read, for instance, the article about laws concerning online gambling in Europe.

How to define search engine optimization?

This a quite a broad term that is utilized to describe the process of drawing on more traffic to a website and enhancing its visibility. It consists of two main parts:

  • on-page SEO (improving all the elements of the website: content, images, page titles, and so on);
  • off-page SEO (this includes SEO signals from other Internet sites – links, marketing on social media, and content distribution).

Both of them are extremely important when it comes to improving the position of your gambling establishment in search engines. However, it should be noted that off-page SEO requires more time because you do not have any control over all the content that is on other sites.

Four tips for owners of casinos

There is a number of strategies that might help to improve the rankings of your gambling establishment in search engines. Below, you will find more information from the industry’s experts on this subject.

Determine your keywords

Your aim is to bring a larger number of people to the website dedicated to your casino and the determination of the keywords is one of the best tools in this case. Carry out research of keywords utilizing one of the reputable resources, for instance, Google Analytics. While doing this, remember about opting for the natural usage of keywords. Sites on the Internet that contain too many keywords are, as a rule, penalized by search engines so this strategy won’t lead to success in the long run. This point of view is also shared by Martin Calvert, Marketing Director at ICS-digital. According to him, keyword stuffing and spam link building should not be done – this does not have any value to the user. And customer journey, experience are crucial in this case.

Another important piece of advice for owners of gambling establishments is to look through their keywords and conduct new searches for them from time to time. The thing is that the Internet keeps evolving, people’s interests change and some keywords turn out to be outdated. Another essential factor to take into account in this situation is a high level of competition since, every year, a lot of new virtual casinos appear. Thus, to remain among the industry’s key players, look through all the terms to make sure that only the effective ones are utilized.

Optimize all the elements of your website

To turn your platform for gambling into a successful casino, you need to optimize all of its elements. It’s highly important to remember that all the pages on your website have the chance to rank individually, that’s why they should be optimized by the professionals for specific long-tail terms.

Thus, you need to determine what each page of your website is truly about, for instance, slot machines, table games, and optimize it utilizing relevant keywords. Try to limit each of the pages to just a few terms – in such a way, you will be able to increase chances of the ranking of your casino for a variety of searches.

Publish interesting content

It is a good idea to consider introducing such sections at your website:

  • the most important news about gambling;
  • article containing information about various games;
  • interviews with the well-known industry’s experts;
  • interesting videos.

Such materials will provide you with the opportunity to incorporate the determined key terms into the context naturally.

While focusing on the content publication, don’t forget that quality is much more important than quantity. At present, on the Internet, you will easily find a large number of materials concerning gambling that do not provide new useful information, and your publications shouldn’t join that group of useless data.

If you want to turn people visiting your website into your regular customers, provide them with curious information they will not find anywhere else. Try to bring a completely new perspective, and it is more likely that you will achieve success in capturing readers’ attention.

Speaking on this subject, the marketing expert Martin Calvert emphasized that some of the aspects worth paying attention to are:

  • the loading speed of the website;
  • convenient site navigation;
  • proofreading of all materials available at the site;
  • localization of the content.

Demonstrate your customers’ reviews

Reviews of players will have a great impact on the conversion rate of your website. Some people will naturally want to make an overview of your gambling establishment, but you can also encourage people to give feedback about the provided services. The more positive reviews you will receive, the more your search engine optimization will continue to strengthen.

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GBC Time