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The Ultimate Guide to the Targeted Advertising

The Ultimate Guide to the Targeted Advertising

Advertisement has already become an irreplaceable part of Internet space. However, the audience is used to ignoring the obsessive promotion. Thus, targeted advertising was launched as a tool to get the users’ attention back. Find the explanation of one of the most personalized advertising types below. Check the latest business news on the website to stay tuned for updates.  

So let us clear out what the targeted advertising is. This type of promotion is based only on audience preferences, needs, and activity. Thanks to this information, advertisers provide special advertisements to potential customers and buyers.

A database about audience includes:

  • demographics;
  • economy status;
  • sex;
  • age;
  • the education level;
  • the financial status;
  • interests and hobbies;
  • browser history, etc.

The essential part of setting a targeting advertisement is the deep analysis of each audience person. Without a strong understanding of preferences and needs, the targeting promotion will not bring the expected results.

The marketers and leading experts mention the targeted promotion strategy as a tool to get rid of advertising noise. The significant pressure of the advertisement on the Internet has made the users ignore most of the promotion. It means that it is more complicated to grab the users’ attention.

It is also crucial to understand how online marketing can influence general users. The experts from Statista have counted how often Internet users purchase after seeing ads online. The data was collected in January 2019.

Frequency of purchasingShare of respondents
1% – 25% of the time37.9%
26% – 50% of the time23.7%
51% – 75% of the time13.6%
76% – 100% of the time4.5%

How does targeting advertisement work?

The advertisement works if a customer sees it useful or necessary for themselves. Considering this fact, the main advantage of targeted advertising is the personalization of the promotion for each consumer. To make a personalized offer, it is necessary to have some data, which can be collected with the help of cookies. The more the customer wants the products, the higher probability of a purchase. So the maximum appropriate audience hitting is the first considerable benefit of the targeted advertisement for the marketers.

Moreover, there must be one action so a user will see the promotion of related products for a long time. Even after the purchase is made, it can be a disadvantage for some marketers. And when the users are tired of the annoying pop-up or advertising notification, it causes disappointment with the product or even brand.

There is also a part of the audience, which is sure that the cookie files are a direct invasion of privacy. However, sometimes people forget that each action on the Internet can be tracked, so cookie files do not intend to use this information for improper purposes.

And to be more flexible in terms of different sub-tasks and promotional aspects, targeted advertising has its own types.

Types of the targeting advertisement

Contextual targeting

Advertisement is very flexible and unlimited, which means that promotion can exist in both ways – by itself and additionally with other content. Contextual targeting is that type of promotion that works jointly with the general content. However, the context plays a central role in this scheme.

Analyzed the content of the website, marketers target the promotion focusing on the content consumers. For example, the smartphone promotion will not be effective additionally with the travel content. According to the experts’ report, in 2018, contextual promotion was the most popular type of targeting advertisement in the online space. And over 80% of the worldwide companies preferred contextual promotion to the behavior and geotargeting types.

Traditionally, marketers use the tool of the keywords, which are relevantly suitable.


In 2016, the behavioral targeting promotion became the pulling tool for 90% of the online marketing increase. It was the most effective strategy for brands of various sectors.

Behavioral promotion is based on the user’s activity in the browser. The marketers analyze the number of clicks, views, and search requests of the content. After identifying the exact preferences and needs according to the activity in the browser, the marketers place the promotion for those who will be interested in it with no doubts.


The main factors for brands can be quite various. Some companies are focused on the customers’ activity like sales history or clicking the links. Another type of brand sets its steps by analyzing the users’ average age, etc. The geographic of auditory may be essential for some brands as well. And this type of targeting is one of the irreplaceable tools for marketers. It helps identify the exact place where the biggest group of customers is located. This information allows marketers to understand traditional particularities, climatic properties, and more.

Social media targeting

Social media were launched as a large Internet community so people could communicate with no limits. Social media platforms have become confident and constant places with business opportunities. Nowadays, users are able not only to chat but also to purchase, build a brand and develop a business of any kind.

So this type of targeting promotion is perfect for providing the ads based on the users’ activity on social media. In some kind, it’s related to behavior targeting promotion. However, the social media platforms are all very different, where the average age, preferences, and interests may be completely different.


Last but not least, targeting promotion type on our list is one of the essential tools in digital marketing. If the previous types were aimed to analyze customers’ activity outside the brand, and attract them with the ads, retargeting helps identify the preferences already in this brand.

In other words, the marketers check the history of purchasing, clicking, and savings to see what each customer is interested in. So they can promote the product or service that the user has already bought.

It helps to build the loyal auditory and make customers go back to the brand.

Benefits of the targeted advertisement

The experts mention the low cost requested, compared to other popular promotion strategies in online marketing. The fact that it is impossible to cross budget limits is another essential factor. When the funds are over, a platform stops showing ads to the clients.

Instant results are also guaranteed in case the right set promotion. Compared to SEO marketing strategies, which request around six months to bright the first results, targeting promotion is way better in many qualities.

The marketers are also talking about the higher ROI as the additional benefit for targeting promotion, which is successfully working with the deep analysis. 

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How to start targeting ads on Facebook?

The first step is to identify the exact purpose of the promotion. On Facebook, brands can set the advertisement of their products, services, content, or the company itself. Use the Facebook Ad Manager for easier launching the promotion.

Zuckerberg’s platform allows you to use any type of visualizing, like photos, videos, slideshows, memes, etc. Creativity is the only thing that can limit you while creating ads for Facebook users.

Considering that Facebook lets you pick any factor of targeting, it becomes even easier. The geographic, behavior, age, and other targeting options are available for you.

Identify your budget plan and allocate it for the right promotion term.

Tips on a targeted advertisement

  • Target your active customers;

If attracting completely new customers is your primary goal, targeting is not the best strategy for it. More specifically, 60-70% of already loyal clients make purchases after seeing a targeted promotion. At the same time, the new customers are getting interested in such advertising by 5-25% of the time.

  • Provide a split test for your audience;

This life hack will provide you to understand your audience better and choose the most effective strategy. You can launch two promotion campaigns and see which one is the most satisfying and resultative.

  • Do not use hyper-targeting;

The narrow targeting may bring you lower results you’re expecting for. At the same time, the broader clientele is more hopeful. The bigger the targeted audience, the bigger your goals.

  • The lower stages of the funnel are the best to target;

According to the experts, the lower stages of the funnel bring more likely to the converting into customers.

  • Get a profit from lookalike audiences;

Do not ignore other brands’ audience groups with similar preferences, needs, and actions. It may provide you to expand your customer base and get more results from targeted advertising.

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GBC Time