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Why Do Some Online Betting Sites Fail?

Why Do Some Online Betting Sites Fail?

There is no doubt that the online gambling industry is a booming business. It has been a developing and growing industry for several years now, but the sudden shift of focus of the world into online solutions prompted even more gamblers and curious users to discover online betting. This led to the growth of online casinos and online sports betting apps, as they got more users and more money came in, increasing the overall revenue not only for individual apps or sites but for the entire industry as well.

As new apps pop up every day and get reviewed by sites like, and more new services try to take their part in the cash that seems to be overflowing in this lucrative industry, one may think that opening up an online casino is equal to easy money. After all, people would just come in and throw cash your way, right? However, it is not always like that. As much as new sites and apps are established every day, some are not so lucky that they needed to stop for the day and go down in bankruptcy, with some not even lasting more than a year.

Here are some of the top reasons why online casinos fail and go down into bankruptcy.

Poor leadership and management

No matter how brilliant an idea is and no matter how seemingly perfect a plan is if it is not executed properly with good management and good leadership, it is bound to fail. The term “poor management” can mean a lot of things – from the lack of vision, the lack of proper course of action, or ultimately, just inefficient leadership by an inefficient leader.

Real leadership with a clearer vision of the direction for the company is the key to beat this flaw. Without it, any site or app is bound to crumble and be buried and forgotten by the industry.

Poor marketing

Marketing an online app or site has never been so easy, what with the availability of several options on marketing and advertising. However, a lack of knowledge in how to do it properly can lead to poor results and poor revenue.

If an app is doing a hit-or-miss approach when it comes to marketing, then it is likely to fail in its efforts and eventually fail to meet its goals and at the end of it all, close in bankruptcy.

Security issues

Why would you want to play with your real money and entrust your financial details to a site that has questionable security? If a site is hacked, even only once, you can expect that people will start losing trust and confidence in it. Finding new customers will be hard, and making current ones stay would be even harder.

How do they try to save face?

If an online casino faces one or more of the above-given reasons why they may go bankrupt, is it the end of them? Is there nothing left to do to save what they started? Turns out, there may be ways to get out of failure.

One common way is rebranding. If you fail to do it the first time, clear your slate and start all over again. Money has been lost, but rebranding is sometimes a better choice than throwing in the towel completely.

One more way to save face is to merge with an existing and more successful company. This is often done to minimize loss as much as possible, and for original owners to either keep a part of their own or to cash out what is remaining and start over again with another venture.

Read more: Betting Affiliate Programs

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