GBC Time

7 Tips To Survive a Casino Trip

7 Tips To Survive a Casino Trip

Casinos are a great way to spend your time and money, but they can be overwhelming. If you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s easy to lose all of your money in a matter of minutes.

But if you follow these 7 tips, not only will you have more fun at the casino, but also less stress about losing too much money!

Bring lots of cash

If you have a driver, this shouldn’t be a problem because he or she can come to pick you up when you want to leave the casino/kazino. Don’t worry about bringing too much money because you still have your credit card so if it’s an emergency, you can swipe it and go home. But the more cash you bring with you, the luckier you’ll feel! Moreover, you can try more games. Some casinos also let you place sports bets/sporta likmes, so it is even more possibilities to lose or win your money.

Keep your cool

Casinos are notorious for their glamorous atmosphere. When you’re there, it’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of all the lights and sounds. You might find yourself gambling more than you normally do or even trying one of the casino’s other attractions, like restaurants or bars.

Keep your cool by remembering why you wanted to go in the first place – to have some fun! If you lose a little money, it’s not the end of the world. Tonight might be your night to win big so don’t let anyone’s game bring you down.

Don’t play drunk (or at least do so moderately drunk!)

When you go to a casino, it’s best to stay sober. When you consume alcohol, your judgment is blurred and it feels like you’re winning even when you’re losing. This is because of the way alcohol impacts our dopamine levels – it increases their release and suppresses receptors, which results in a false sense of reward.

How do we know if we’re drunk? We can tell by:

  1. how we feel: our mind and body will feel buzzed and wobbly;
  2. how we act: when we are drunk, we have slurred speech, our vision may be blurred or we might have trouble standing up straight;
  3. what we say: we may not be able to control what we say or what comes out of ours mouths when drunk.

Always bring a designated driver

You should always have a designated driver when you go to a casino. When you are under the influence of alcohol, it’s hard to maintain an objective view of one’s abilities or how much money they are putting down on each bet. When this happens, it is easy for people to start playing more aggressively because they think they are winning when in reality they are greatly increasing their losses. A sober mind of a friend is more likely to maintain perspective in these types of situations. Besides, it’s easy to go with the flow and drink more than you should, in which case it’s best to have somebody drive you to the hotel.

Avoid slot machines – they’re most addictive and have worst odds

The slot machines are the most addictive of any machine in a casino and their odds are the worst of any game. These machines have a jackpot that is usually far out of reach, so you spend even more money to lose more money. If you want to avoid feeling like a fool or your luck, don’t play these games! While they’re pretty tempting with their low-risk low-reward schemes, slots are the worst of any game in a casino.

Pretty much no skill is involved in playing the slots, so you lose more often than not. If you hit a jackpot – fantastic! You just won some money that will probably be taken back after the casino takes its cut of your winnings. If you’re looking to have fun with friends or family, don’t play these games together. People who go in on a group of slots together are some of the most serious gamblers in the world. It’s more common to hear someone say: “I’ll meet you at the bar,” – than, – “I’ll meet you at a slot machine.”

Stick to table games

Playing table games, like poker or blackjack, are better for beginners. A lot of luck is involved in these games, but they don’t have the same level of risk as slot machines. The house edge of table games is much lower, so you’ll lose less money per game. Even if you’re not very good at playing poker or blackjack, there’s still a chance that you could win – you just need to know what your odds are and be ready to take your chances with skill and strategy.

There’s also less pressure on table games – people who play slots can feel like their whole bank account is on the line with every spin. Casino goers who play poker or blackjack will usually be playing for small amounts of money, like $5 or $10. Since there’s less pressure on these games, it’ll be easier to make conversation with other people at the table and have a good time instead of being nervous about your next move.

Know when to leave – if you start losing too much it’s time to go

You should know when to leave a casino before things get out of hand. Once you’ve lost too much money, it’s time to go home before things get really bad. The problem with casinos is there are so many opportunities for gambling that it’s easy to lose track of what you’re doing with your money. If you’re playing with someone who is betting more than they can afford, it’s your job as their friend or family member to tell them they need to stop and go home. One way to avoid losing too much money at a casino is by never betting more than you can afford – even if you don’t mind losing it all.


The casino is not for the faint of heart. Not only do you have to be prepared to lose a lot of money, but you also need to know what things to look out for and what tips you should follow to survive your first casino venture. Here are 7 essential tips that will help all types of players – from beginners who want an easy time at their first game table or slot machines, all the way up to experienced gamblers who like playing with high stakes. The most important thing when it comes to casinos is knowing how much cash you can afford on each bet before losing too much money; make sure someone takes responsibility as a designated driver; avoid slots because they’re addictive and have the worst odds no matter which machine type they are found in; play table games like blackjack and poker for fun and a better chance of winning-even if you’re not very good at playing them; know when it’s time to leave the casino before you lose too much money; avoid high bets because they could lead to big losses.

Read more: Top Gambling Affiliate Programs

GBC Time