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Are Robot Live Dealers the Future?

Are Robot Live Dealers the Future?

With technology continuing to improve with each year that passes, questions have started to emerge about the future of the iGaming industry and what might happen to the games that are available to play. Indeed, one of the biggest questions that have started to emerge in recent years is whether robots will replace human dealers in the future. Those that have been playing at the best online casinos have already noticed that live dealer games have improved hugely because of the technology available, but many still believe that these games can be improved further.

Live dealer games are available to play on various different platforms and can provide players with some of the most authentic experiences. Those who play games with Bitcoin live dealer will be able to enjoy the same benefits as those who play games with fiat currency concerning the gameplay experience, whilst also being able to play with the added benefits that using cryptocurrency can provide.

Naturally, the authentic experience that has been provided via the use of a live dealer has helped these types of games to grow in popularity in recent years, as has technology, but could we see robot dealers be used by developers in the future.

There have Already Been Uses of Robotic Dealers

The use of a robot as a dealer is something that has already been experimented with by various developers and operators within the gambling industry, with places such as Macau and the United States have tried the use of a robot called Min.

Min was launched in 2015 as a card-dealing robot and showed some limitations, despite the pretty innovative technology that was being used. In 2017, a new robot was launched but was still unable to communicate with players, which has been considered a rather big negative for many.

Why Could Robot Dealers Become the Future?

If the limitations are fixed as technology continues to improve, including being able to recognize players and be able to communicate with them effectively, there is every chance that robot dealers could become a normal thing for the iGaming industry in the future.

There are numerous benefits that would improve experience of each player engaging with such robots. Developers and operators would be able to enhance the game experience automatically, whilst they would also be able to limit any potential human errors as the machines used would be programmed to operate in a certain way. Moreover, operators would be able to benefit from a system that would potentially be able to identify any unusual activity and act against it before it becomes too late.

Furthermore, they would be inexpensive compared to paying the wages and salaries of human employees, thus saving the business a lot of money.

Players would benefit right away too, as they would be able to play live dealer games slightly quicker than before. There also would be the added security layer since you would face fewer mistakes during your live sessions.

Does the Future of Live Dealer Games Include Robot Dealers?

Naturally, there will be a number of arguments that will be had regarding the future of live dealer games and robotic croupiers.

As mentioned before, there appear to be a number of benefits that can be had should the right technology become available and be developed. However, it is easy to suggest that they simply will not be able to replace a person as effectively as perhaps hoped.

Even if they are able to learn to communicate, there will be some players that will still feel that the authentic experience provided by a human dealer simply cannot be replicated, which will then potentially have a negative impact and take away from the whole experience.

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