Finance Affiliate Programs in the UK

Finance Affiliate Programs in the UK

According to the global business news, UK affiliate marketing is the active developing sector that holds one of the leading positions in the world. The UK market has become an effective environment for many European countries.

GBC Time has prepared this article to get deeper into finance affiliate programs in the UK and comprehend how it works.

The beginning of the affiliate marketing development was in 1996, and the very first affiliate program was the Amazon Associates global affiliate program. Since that time, the whole market has grown to £627 million (2020 report).

The global pandemic has influenced many life sectors, and shopping isn’t an exception. The lockdown adopted people to shop online. Therefore, more and more brands went online. According to the Internet Advertising Bureau’s (IAB) report, one in five brands or businesses spent over £250,000 per month on affiliate programs in 2020. From March to April 2020, online revenue for business solutions increased by 52%.

The UK affiliate marketing can be compared to the US sector. Although the US market is larger than the first one, the general characteristics are pretty similar.

These markets have a similar share amongst loyalty, voucher, and cashback partners. However, the flat fees or placements in the US are significantly higher than in the UK. Therefore, advertisers spend higher expenses.

The UK Internet Advertising Bureau sets all the advertisement standards about the regulation aspect. For the latest years, the marketing mechanisms have been developing, leading to high-quality affiliate marketing, including finance affiliate programs in the UK.

What is the finance affiliate program in the UK?

The finance affiliate programs have the same purpose as any other affiliate programs: to drive traffic and increase the company’s profit, organization, website, or blog. These programs work on the target audience interested in the finances, economy, trading, etc.

The finance affiliate marketing model is special by its law price request to start a business. And the reason for that is the small number of moving working parts. The affiliate promotes another brand’s products, so there’s no need to invest resources into product development.

The parties in an affiliate program transaction:

  1. Customer;
  2. Affiliate site;
  3. Merchant site.

The beginning of affiliate marketing on the Internet started in 1996 in the US. Thanks to Jeff Bezos, CEO, and founder of, online marketing made a huge step towards digitalization. Currently, the affiliate program is still working with over 500,000 affiliate websites.

Later, affiliate marketing started adopting other sectors, like finances, that are the article’s subject.

BBVA Compass

BBVA offers a worldwide target audience that influences the profit size as soon as possible. The high traffic, which BBVA guarantees, will effectively improve the brand and its business development direction.

Advertisers will get more sales and collaborate with leading publishers for efficient products or services promotion.

The reason to pick this affiliate program for the publishers is profitable conditions such as an $85 commission with a cost per lead. The cookie duration depends on the session. The BBVA’s affiliate network is CJ Affiliate.

CIT Bank

The online-only bank offers high-quality working and competitive savings products. The online-based platform makes it versatile and easy to use. The CIT Bank’s affiliate software is CJ Affiliate as well. However, the commission is higher than BBVA’s – $100. The CPA model is the cost per lead, and the cookie duration is 30 days.

Generally, the pros are not so different from the BBVA. In both programs, satisfying results are guaranteed.


YNAB – You Need a Budget is a popular finance software that has been won many worldwide awards. Customers not only in the UK but around the world trust YNAB because of the unique method to gain total control of money. The YNAB’s work is based on the rule that money doesn’t have to be messy. The program also guarantees less money stress that may be an influential factor for some customers.

Commission rates by $6 with a cost per lead. The cookie duration is 30 days.


The official consumer division of FICO is the credit affiliate program. It offers reports, scores, and tips from professionals. The company earned $1 billion in 2020. The number of affiliates joining per day is 260. The brands-partners around the world are counted by over 16 000. MyFICO offers modern content and leading influencers, a large contact library of media partners, loyalty as the main characteristic, and provide technology solutions.

The commission is $5 with a cost per sale and lead. The cookie duration is 30 days, and the affiliate network is ShareASale.


TransUnion offers easy access to financial reports, scores, analytics, and statistics. This information helps to be more financially aware and therefore develop. The program also guarantees content that improves people’s lives. Cost per sale and commission up to $60 attract advertisers and partners. The cookie duration is 30 days on the affiliate software of Impact.  


CoverWallet’s niche is insurance for companies of all sizes. The affiliate program mentions the special approach to each client. According to the affiliate program’s website, small businesses get leading commercial insurance carriers efficiently and digitally. 

Cost per lead with a commission rate of $30 makes CoverWallet one of the best financial affiliate programs in the UK. CoverWallet service businesses of more than 300 industries.


Hippo is a trusted affiliate program popular in the home security and insurance sectors. The digital service makes it easy to use and effective. According to Hippo, clients can save up to 25% on home insurance coverage. CPA model is the cost per lead with a commission rated $5. The cookie duration is longer than usual – 90 days. The Hippo’s affiliate software is ShareASale.


This affiliate program may be interesting for home and pet owners, renters, etc. The remarkable peculiarity is the artificial intelligence bot that makes the communication process easier and faster. The primary purpose of the company is an important social aspect. So those partners that are interested in being socially active the Lemonade affiliate program.

The commission rate is $25.50 with a cookies duration of 30 days. The cost per sale model can be an influential factor for someone.


A micro-investing app may be useful for people who want to save money and invest them in the future. The Acorns affiliate program of the investment category uses FlexOffers and Impact as affiliate networks. FlexOffers communicates with clients via email, sending reports, information about traffic sources, and target audience.

The CPA model is a cost per lead with a commission rate up to $12, and the cookie duration is 30 days.

M1 Finance

M1 Finance affiliate program is an effective way to drive traffic on investment sites and blogs as well. The company mentions a unique mix of automated investing with a high level of customization. According to the experts’ rates, this model is helpful while creating portfolios that will perfectly suit the exact needs.

Talking about the CPA model, the cost per transaction may be the main factor while picking a financial affiliate program. A commission rate is $100 with a cookie duration of 30 days. An affiliate network is Impact, which is trusted among investors.

How to choose the best finance affiliate program in the UK

The first available information about any affiliate program is the number of companies, publishers, influencers who have collaborated with the program. The most experienced affiliates can find the personal and special approach faster than the beginners. It’s also proof of a confident market reputation. The experts’ reviews will help discover all the needed details of the working history.

Talking about the finance sector, the affiliate program’s niche must relate to investments, finances, cryptocurrency, economy, etc. In the case of a niche of the different sectors, it will be just a time-wasting with no results at all.

The conversion rate remains another influential factor. The best finance affiliate programs typically offer the most profitable conditions, including fast draw sales and, therefore, income.

What is the cookie duration? The cookie duration is one of the essential characteristics. It’s the time term during which the affiliate can receive incentives for each customer. If the cookie duration is 3 days, and a referred customer makes a purchase the next 4th day, the commission on this sale won’t be counted.

Currently, the affiliate marketing sector is full of various services, platforms, offers, etc. Everybody can find the best affiliate programs for finance. Hopefully, this article has helped you understand this market better and become more aware of it.

Read more: Top Gambling Affiliate Programs

GBC Time

GBC Time